
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

how to set up a stuffing station

take one ginormous (and very heavy) bag of compressed stuffing...

place next to your fancy-schmancy new scales....

weigh lots of fluff and put it in piles, then stuff into bags....

store finished bags in a glamorous storage solution...

ta-dah! one stuffing station, ready for use!

further tips ::

use wheelie bin liners, they are much bigger than normal old bin bags!

remember to not wear black

do not turn the fan on. ever.


  1. Mandy5:07 pm

    Love your tips! Especially the one about the fan! Hehehe :)

  2. I agree with Mandy - the best tip is to not use the fan!

  3. I would sugggest good loud motivating music too....

  4. Go on, turn the fan on! I don't think I could resist! Guess you're glad the weather isn't too hot!

  5. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Haha!!!! You've got your little assembly line all figured out. :)

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  7. I wish I read this yesterday! Last night around 10pm I decided it would be a good idea to make a fluffy bear, I started stuffing it but had the fan on! aghhh I had to get the vacuum cleaner out first thing this morning!

  8. My favorites are the last two tips. ;)

  9. Worst of all I bet you find fluff in every corner of every room Sue x

  10. Ha ha! Are you speaking from experience about your tips? ;0) xx


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