
Monday, March 14, 2011

feeling quiet

today I got all my necessary jobs done bright and early because I wanted to spend some time on my raffle prize for Jo's Japan Quake Appeal....I have selected some felt colours and some fabrics ...

and I have started cutting and sewing .... it doesn't feel like much, but hopefully I will offer a good raffle prize and lots of money can be raised....I'm aiming to get the raffle up and running on Thursday so please come back and have a look, and get your credit cards ready - it's only £5 a ticket.


  1. Anonymous5:57 pm

    I will pop back and see how you are getting on. We recentle visited Japan and My last but one post showed our wonderful trip there so I shall be glad to support such a worthy cause
    Kindest Regards Linda

  2. Anonymous9:05 pm

    looking forward to it!

  3. Thank you, I will be back on Thursday.I have a friend in Osaka, thankfully a good way from the disaster.Sue.


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Thanks! Sarah x