
Sunday, February 13, 2011

a proper shop keeper

yesterday John and I were heading into town to do some boring shopping (sellotape & ink for me, car stuff for John) and on the way we popped into a fabric shop because John needs some vinyl for a car he's fixing up and Long Story Short...they were getting rid of this cabinet...and it's for the exact same make and style of cotton threads that I sell !! John negotiated for me (i can't do it, I always just agree to the first price someone says!!) and then it was all mine :-)
I could have bought one like this from my supplier but it comes filled with colours I don't sell so it was never a viable option....
...but now i have one, and now I feel like a proper shop keeper!


  1. Wow - well done, hope you got it at a bargain price.

    It looks great.

  2. Anonymous7:38 pm

    amazing! :) x

  3. Yes, you certainly look like a proper shop keeper now ;)
    + all the other bits and pieces you've put together to make your shop grow. Nice work :)

  4. Gotta love storage solutions! It looks the "business"

  5. It looks fantastic! And you are a very shop keeper!!! And what a wonderful shop!
    Kisses fm Italy.


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Thanks! Sarah x