
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

today I hired a solicitor.

I have been asked (very nicely) to vacate my workshop.
It wasn't a surprise and I don't have to was always a temporary arrangement made through friends, but now the arrangement needs to end.

So I have been viewing premises (so much fun!) and today I got absolute confirmation that the offer I made has been accepted and it was time to put the matter in the hands of my solicitor. (I don't normally have the need for a solicitor) but I have now found a solicitor and instructed him (well, I don't quite frankly know what he has to do so so he actually gave me instructions!!) and the ball is rolling!

I have no idea how long it will take, especially as everyone will stop working over the Christmas period...once I have the keys there is decorating to do so I think I will be moving in in February!
I am so current workshop is lovely but I always felt a little like I was in Limbo because I knew it wasn't a permanent arrangement....but soon I will be signing a 5 year lease and that feels great!

It's a little smaller than where I am now, in fact it's completely different, very cosy and cute...I hope to have enough room for classes and crafty get togethers....but there will be more news on that once I've actually moved in!
Somehow the photos make all the rooms seem tiny...but I can't take anymore so they will have to do!!
picture 1 :: the front office ... shall be turned into the 'packing room'
picture 2 :: the small office ... will be a room full of sewing machines
picture 3 :: the back office ... will be for making and computering and classes and everything else!
phew! there's a lot of moving to do but it is going to be a.m.a.z.i.n.g.


  1. How exciting, something to look forward to after the thrill of Christmas is gone and we have a long wait until spring.... I would love a move this year but don't think it's on the cards...

  2. Oh how exciting - a new and more permanent home for your business. I guess it's an upheavel moving but once you are there you can get everything settled for a good long time.

    Hope it all goes to plan over the hols, Fiona xx

  3. Goodness that kind of change would be nerve wracking to me! Happy to hear this move will be a more permanent home for you and look forward to seeing how you arrange everything. Best of luck!

  4. Good luck in your new workplace. Hope it doesn't take too long for the paperwork or the decorating.

  5. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Congratulations! It looks great, I love the fact you have a room for everything! :) (I also have that in my house: one for making buttons/jewelry/stamping/paper things and one for my sewing machine. :D
    Enjoy making decoration plans! :)

  6. Congratulations on your exciting new move. It looks like it has such good light too.

  7. That "hired a solicitor" title sounded a little ominous, and I was worried as I scrolled down, but I'm happy for you! Can't wait to see what you turn the empty space into, I'm sure it will be cozy and warm. Happy holidays to you!

  8. Looks fab, a New Year and a fresh start with all the excitement that it holds :-) Happy New Year!

  9. I thought there was some bad news coming...but it was actually good! So pleased you have a new workshop to look forward in the new year. Sounds very exciting and you'll be welcoming visitors too! xx

  10. oh how exciting, i cant wait to see it all once you have had your creative hand to it. well done x x

  11. Congratulations :o) The light streaming through the windows is perfect for sewing. How exciting!! And classes - ACE!!! Good luck with the expansion of Paper & String. Happy 2011. May it full of felty prosperity.

  12. Congratulations Sarah, it looks like such a fun project to start the new year with! I can't wait to see it all set up with your usual organised creative flair! Best wishes... Louise x

  13. Congratulations for your new place Sarah! I hope it'll turn out as you expect! Have fun decorating...!

  14. Fantastic news! Good for you. Wishing you every success in your new & more permanent "home" xxx

  15. How exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly.
    Jak x

  16. Anonymous12:30 am

    Huge congrats on your super news - you must be over the moon! Hope it is till close to home for you? Classes!!! how exciting for us! Wishing you,John and all your family a wonderful Xmas and a most prosperous and feltylicious New Year!


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x