
Monday, November 15, 2010

65th Birthday surprises

John's Dad is 65 today, so yesterday we chucked some clothes into a bag and headed onto the motorway...2.5 hours later we were in Suffolk and our arrival was a surprise, as was the meal we went to in the evening ... all of John's Dad's family were there as a surprise too!
We had a lovely meal and drank some wine and talked a lot! It was fantastic!
We got back to Worthing at 2.30pm and I managed to pack orders and make it to the Post Office before they shut!
Blogging with pictures will resume tomorrow!


  1. Happy Birthday to your dad, Sarah!!! I think that your surprise, it's been the most beautiful gift!!!

  2. Awe, he must have loved your surprise visit! Happy birthday to your Dad.


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Thanks! Sarah x