
Monday, September 13, 2010

car boot treasure!

John's Mum & Dad came to visit this weekend and we went to a local car boot on Sunday...the sun was shining and all 4 of us found a bargain or two!
My bargain resulted in some furniture moving/tidying up in the workshop...ready for a quick tour?
view from the door, down the right hand side
view from the door, down the left side
my metre felt is now in the left hand corner...
...ugly (but necessary) packaging in the right hand corner (I'm a dedicated box keeper...I used to keep them at the day job but had to move them when I left!)
and the reason for all the moving around was to get an empty bit of wall to put my new cupboard on!

it's old and battered and rusty round the edges but I fell in love with it!
I almost didn't ask the price because I assumed it'd be quite a lot and I didn't really need it....can you guess how much it was???
£1 !!!
bargain of the year me thinks!
John was called into action to hang it on the wall...and whilst he was at it he also screwed my rail into place no more bags and coats chucked on the floor :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. looks like things are all coming together!


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