
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

a very full day!

Today I re-arranged a corner of my used to look like this ::
and now it looks like this ... a corner where I can set up photo shoots ::
the 2 items on the table were in the boxes I showed yesterday!
the other box contained....dye for a new project! ::
I also received another delivery ::
A great big table-full of felt ::
which made my felt shelves go from this sad and empty looking display::
to this gorgeous full of colour felt-y loveliness ::
after doing all of that I decided to move my metre felt off my shelves and in the new space under the window ::

which means I have created lots and lots of room on my stock shelves .... I'd better get sewing!!


  1. Anonymous8:15 am

    Christmas has come early!! The units are lovely and all that felty goodness......heaven! So, dyes.....?! Looking forward to seeing!

  2. That is one serious amount of dye!! Can't wait to see what you do with it :D
    L x

  3. omg love it!!!!! your colorful felt and projects look great on the white background... <3

  4. Anonymous11:57 am

    Wasn't your day off ? :) Lots of job to do
    Have fun ;)

  5. How exciting! Look at all that felt! Where did you buy the white shelves with the 3 little drawers at the bottom?

  6. Hello! I found your shop while browsing at Etsy today--LOVE all your felt goodness! I placed an order and will be eager to receive it. Your studio is a dream space...*swoon*... Love all the light, white & bright! I have a shop a Etsy which I've had for over 3 years, but sadly must close now--but it's been great! Happy Days :o)


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Thanks! Sarah x