
Saturday, July 31, 2010

what do people do on Saturdays?

seriously...I haven't had a Saturday off (unless it was specifically to do something else) for YEARS! Don't get me wrong, I did have a big to-do list for today but I decided to postpone it for after work tomorrow!!

I decided to do nothing work related so have lounged on the sofa watching TV films (and napping)...I've played computer games and read lots of blogs....I did a little bit of hexagon sewing but decided that was 'work' so instead I made some boxes to hold my packaging stickers!

Aren't they cute?
I'm excited to think of all the Saturdays I have to come without work, lots of places to go and visit & little holidays to go on .... (not so much sofa lounging though!!)


  1. Good for you, everyone needs a little 'me'time!

  2. Anonymous6:21 pm

    It's a lovely thought for you, that you can now enjoy a full weekend as it ought to be enjoyed!!
    Enjoy planning your future weekends ahead!

  3. Enjoy your saturday off..
    btw, Ilove your virtual pets, they are so cute!

    Regards from Malaysia!

  4. Oooooh what computer games did you play? I had hoped to play games today but ended up having a mass sort out and put a lot of stuff on ebay :D Hopefully a profitable day! Love the little boxes :D
    Hazel x

  5. Enjoy this peacuful moments in your life :) And take care :)

  6. happy days ahead for you... hey my buttons arrived, I am one excited Mommy... Got the needle ready and I am off, love your packaging. Thank you

  7. çok güzel olmuş. eline saglık.


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