
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

can't stop kitting

no that's not a's a made up word!
I normally dis-like starting to produce a new kit, there's not enough sewing involved to keep me on track...but right now I'm on a roll !!
Perhaps it's the heat? makes me want to do sitting-in-the-garden-in-the-shade craft rather than workshop machine sewing, or cutting out lots of felt pieces....I wonder how many kits I can knock off my forever-to-do list before the heat disappears??
If you've ever wanted a kit of paper-and-string things now is the time to leave a comment and I'll see what I can do!


  1. wow you are on a roll.... your kits are fab... keep up the good work. I dont know how you can do so much in this heat.

  2. I hate pattern making. I much prefer the sewing part too. But when the going is good you gotta do it. Good luck and can't wait to see the new kits!

  3. A mini cat or monkey softie :D Puuulllleeeaaassssseeeee!!!!! xx

  4. It has done nothing but rain here today!

  5. it's all heat here too but not in a good way. more like a drenching myself in sweat and cursing at the sun kinda way XD

    seeing your kits always make my day! they're just so colourful!

    i love the owls :D

  6. Ice-cream kit!! will go very good with the weather :D

  7. Owl family kit - tho I'm guessing you may be doing that as its a piccy of an owl at the top of this post. :O)

  8. I love making patterns and cutting things out!!! I would love to sit down and cut pieces out for kits!!! Love the owls!

  9. Yes - a kitty softie would be so cute. Love the owls.

  10. Just ran across your site! Your projects are just tooo cute!! Love em...Angela

  11. Anonymous7:45 pm

    mmmm and what about coloured brads ? :) I see only pink and back, but what about a mix bag with looooots of brads in different colors? :)


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Thanks! Sarah x