
Sunday, April 04, 2010

ironing IS fun!

I managed to tick two big things off my to-do list today...the first was finishing the packaging & photographing my new iron-on appliques ::

Inspiration struck last night for the packaging and I have to admit I really enjoyed packing these up.

I've designed GIANT & standard size letters & numbers and you get to pick which of the 7 fabrics you'd like them made from! I bought the fabric for these back in January and I've been moving them on and off the to-do list ever since!
putting them on the website took f.o.r.e.v.e.r. but I think it was worth the hard work :-)
whilst I was stumbling through the inside workings of my website (always a dangerous thing...something always goes wonky when I do that!) I also listed my drawing pins (again, that's been on the to-do list for ages!)
I made a display of them on my pin board....
...which has found a new home near my stock unit.
All in all a very satisfying day...


  1. My goodness, how I'd love to rummage through those shelves! :D Absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Paper chains? Not Christmas already, surely? Love those letters and the drawing pins. Must go and visit your website again ;)

  3. Right, am off to the website to have a closer look - those letters are fab! What a busy girl you've been. Is there no end to your wonderful creativity? (I hope not!!)

  4. The letters are lovely!

  5. I so love looking at your blog, it's bright and colourful and so beautifully photographed :) Your title on the other hand leaves me cold LOL. Hope you're having a fun Easter

  6. Hi Sarah those giant letters are excellent and just the thing I need soon! Making the kids a quilt each and will applique their initial on - fantastic! Justine xx

  7. Anonymous10:00 pm

    Loving this :)


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