
Friday, December 18, 2009

feeling proud

Take a look-ee at this paper-and-string Christmas Tree!
(it's not mine, mine hasn't been put up yet!)

These FAB photos were sent in by an equally FAB customer, isn't that the greatest tree ever?
(and yes! I am very biased!)
I've been a very busy-bee :: making, packing and post office-ing orders (it was rather slip-slidy on the walk from work to workshop to post office, I am a very determined parcel poster!)
I've managed to *nearly* finish Christmas shopping, *nearly* finish Christmas Gift making...I'm taking lots of photos and will share them in the new year, but I'll be back before then!


  1. That is truly a happy tree lol
    Merry Christmas Sarah.
    Warm wishes,
    Catherine x

  2. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Awwww... thanks, Sarah. I LOVE that tree. It was my first tree up and it'll be the last tree down. :)


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Thanks! Sarah x