
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Gift Making

I managed to squeeze in some gift making before Christmas, and now all the gifts have been given I can show you what I made!
Zipped pouches ::

some were filled with chocolate

others had Christmas Decorations attached to the key ring on the zip

I also made some drawing pins ::

mixtures of felt flowers & scrappy circles

pushed into polystyrene which I'd covered with pretty paper :-)

I hope Merry Christmases were had by all?
John and I had a lovely time, Christmas day at home then a visit to Suffolk to see John's family and then to Surrey where all my family met at my sister's.
It went very fast (apart from the M25 traffic jams!) and I definitely had a great time :-)
Today we woke up at home and we started slowly...a nice relaxing breakfast...then a mountain of emails to read through, packages and parcels to wrap and send at the post office and finished off with a little hand sewing & blog was nice to have a break but equally nice to be back in my paper-and-string world!


  1. Hello Sara

    Is just to wish you a Very Happy New Year

    Maria Tavares

  2. I am so pleased I discovered your blog/website this year. The reindeer I made from your kit were very happily received from friends and family. Happy New Year to you and I hope to visit Worthing sometime not too far away in 2010 to stock up on more crafting supplies. All my best wishes to you Sarah.

  3. Anonymous9:02 pm

    Those pouches are sooo cute. I love the cord one!

  4. Great pictures - lovely things.

    Just wanted to pop by to say Happy New Year!

    Best wishes.


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x