
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I got up bright and early this morning (a day off the day-job today) and started the day with a spot of shoping for my neice's birthday present.

then I was off to the workshop where I packed some orders and pottered for a while, until my friend Becky and her little baby came to visit...she bought cupcakes and I made tea & coffee :-)

then I had another visitor (hi jackie *wave*) who came to do a spot of shopping because she discovered I was just down the road from where she works....
in between chatting and coffee I made some mini rainbows and decided to tie them together with ribbon rather than wrap them in tissue, because workshop shoppers didn't know what all the tissue wrapped bundles were!!

and now?
now it's time for handsewing :-)


  1. Do you ever sleep?! I love the ribbons round the bundles!

    Pomona x

  2. Anonymous10:51 am

    Ooh there's a nice big pile of felt just like that on my desk at the moment! :)

  3. Hello
    I love the ribbons.


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