
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

workshop news

*Betty has moved in ::

(I bought Betty about 10 years ago for £10 from a charity shop...I love that she is covered in brown terry towelling!)
*John has put my rails on the wall ::

*The pinboard is up, and has now been photographed ::
(The fabric was designed to be cut up and edged to turn the squares into handkerchiefs, but for me, it's a daily wall planner!)

*I've tried to do a fancy panorama-thing with some photos so you can see everything as I do standing at the end of the's almost worked ::
(I'll pop the picture on flickr too)

*A Workshop Page has been added to my website ... there are more photos, along with opening hours and contact details etc


  1. WOW! The workshop looks great! I can't believe how quickly you & John licked it into shape. Oh & I love the wallplanner- you're so clever xoxo

  2. Maxine8:01 pm

    It all looks fantastic, I just wish I lived near to Worthing so I could pop in and see it all in person!

  3. wow it all looks great, you must be a happy bunny right now, I wish I could have my own space instead of having to share the kitchen counter with little one and his paints/playdoh!

  4. hi sarah ooooh i'm so jealous you have betty, i've always wanted a tailors dummy :( the workshop looks amazing! :D xx

  5. What a gorgeous workshop, I'm jealous! The day planner fabric is awesome. I did laugh at Betty though, because my first dress form (a blue 1970s lopsided thing that someone gave me) was also called Betty, and when I finally replaced her for one that stood up straight, I called her... Betty II :D Imaginative huh?

  6. I love that handkerchief fabric!!! Where can I get some??

  7. It looks fab Sarah. It must be hard to tear yourself away and go to your day job!



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