
Monday, December 08, 2008

gremlins and bugs grrrrrrr

sorry for the delay announcing a winner!
my day-job's stock take lasted most of the weekend and today I got home from work to find that we have had a virus on our seems to have gone....but if I disappear for a day or so you know why!

So :: on to the BIG announcement ::
the winner is..................
comment number 18 who is :: craftythings
well done....please email with your address...the last day for posting down under is Wednesday so you *should* have them in time for Christmas!
Thanks for all the penguin love, it was the highlight of my day to come home and read your lovely comments :-)


  1. OOOhhh, thank you. I have e-mailed my postal address to you.

  2. My lovely buttons arrived this morning ... thank you soooo much !!

    Sara x


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x