
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Handmade Gift Inspiration Week :: Day Two

Regular readers will know that for my last freebie draw I asked all entries to include ideas or links to tutorials showing gifts that will be Handmade this Christmas.
This week my blog will be devoted to sharing the amazing ideas and craft work people linked to.
I hope you all enjoy it and I hope it inspires you too :-)

No tutorial, but still inspirational, Gillian *Iheart crafts* has been sewing Christmas Decorations ::

3 Frogs shared another link, this time to a covered notebook on the Brassy Apple Blog

There isn't a tutorial yet BUT if you ask nicely Sarah may sort one out for us all, and then we too could make our own Christmas wreath ::

Embroidery next ::

Average Jane Crafter pointed me in the direction for this great free PDF to embroider for Christmas, from Nini Makes.

I'll be back with more tomorrow :-)


  1. Oh thank you so much for including me!! I'm really enjoying the Handmade Gift Inspiration Week - especially the great tutorials.

  2. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Wow! So much beautiful inspiration! I love everything you listed. Thanks so much for sharing such fun finds!

    ~Amy Rose~


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x