
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

freebie winners

Our monitor is on the blink and everything is a funny pinky colour, so if the following photos look weird you know why!!!

I have had great fun reading everyone's comments and following links and looking at much so that I am going to post all about them next week, a post a day, Monday to Friday...there are some great ideas so hopefully I'll see you next Monday for Day One :-)
But back to the winners......all the comments were printed out and popped in a jar ::

and I picked three winners at random and they are ::
Tara, (prize one)
Julie (prize two)
and Ciyou (prize three)

Sorry if you didn't win this time round....the next freebie is the first Thursday of December :-)


  1. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Wow! Lucky winners! Those are some pretty little goodies you're giving away!

  2. THanks for selecting me ~~ how lucky that I just bump in to your website yesterday.

    I will drop u an email of my house address.

    Thanks again.

  3. Oh TOO exciting! I never win things! Thanks so much - will email you my address.
    (Happy)Tara :o)

  4. how to win the prize? ;)


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x