
Monday, July 28, 2008


This teeny pile of sewing is the sum total of all my crafting this weekend!

Worthing held it's annual seafront festival this weekend, Friday night was a free firework extravaganza, then on Saturday was a free concert, warm up act was ...Bucks Fizz!!! and then Ultimate Earth Wind and Fire ;-) Then on Sunday there was a HUGE American car show, followed by drinks in the pub.

John is working away again so tonight I will be delving deep into the button catalogue and working out my order :-)


  1. Least your small amount of sewing equates to more than mine!

    The Ultimate Eart Wind & Fire live does not get much better than that apart from the real thing of course.

    Happy sewing

    Vanessa x

  2. Sounds like a fun filled weekend.
    And who cares if no crafting went on, it's good to have a break every now and then hun.
    Enjoy the sun.
    Catherine x

  3. Anonymous8:58 pm

    buttons just what i need i cant wait ...jade x x x


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