
Monday, June 30, 2008

ooohhhh .... shiny new toy.....

We have needed a new printer for a while now and this weekend we finally got one!
It's an Epson DX7450 and it's FAB!
It prints, copies and scans and I just wish we'd bought it sooner...
I've been busy printing some stickers ::
As much as I love Moo I think their stickers are a weeny bit small for my needs, and now I have a fancy-schmancy printer I thought I'd give it a go myself!
They are just perfect to stick on my parcels!


  1. You've always had the best looking parcels - now they'll be even better! x

  2. I love getting new toys like this too. The colour looks to be very good quality as well.

  3. Now I need a new printer!

  4. Anonymous10:48 am

    Ooo! that does look very fancy! I might have to order some felt just to see what the new stickers are like ;)


  5. Anonymous9:39 pm

    The stickers look great! What a fancy printer... so exciting!

  6. Oww I love your new toy and the stickers look fab.
    Can't wait to see one for real when I order next.
    Many hugs.

    Catherine x


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