
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

mushroom making

The deadline for Lucy's toadstool swap is fast approaching, so last night I got to work ::
I followed the instructions and have made my first Toadstool ::
I even put some pretty beads on the top ::
and now inspiration has struck and I know just what I'm going to make!
So don't worry Claire, I haven't ruined the surprise :-)


  1. Anonymous5:52 pm

    PHEW! That one does look pretty though :)


  2. Lovely colours. It's getting really exciting now looking at the Flickr group.

  3. i love the little tray you use to work on, i've just been sat watching the apprentice, sewing on the floor and have left a pile of fluff all over the rug now, just after i'd vacuumed too!

    cute toadstool, i love the colour combination. although i'm setting a really bad example as i haven't even started mine yet!

  4. Hello sweetie, so sorry it's been a while.
    Sending you get well hugs.
    Loving the new toadstall, very pretty. I'm having ago at one for a friend, are they easy to do?
    I can't thank you enough for always sending out my little orders so fast, your a honey.

    Catherine x


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Thanks! Sarah x