
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tortoise winners

Normally at this point of the giveaway process I would turn to the random number generator to find me some winners. But I'm bored of that, there's no excitement.
So I'm doing it the old fashioned way :-)
I printed out all the comments ::

Folded them up and put them in a pot ::

(see, this is way more exciting!)
Wilbur shall be going to live with :: jellybelly*jellybrain
and the six runner ups are ::

1. raker
6. emma
who will each win one of these ::

As soon as I have your addresses I shall post your prizes :-)
Thanks everyone for entering and joining in the fun, I'll see you next time :-)


  1. WOW! That's the first time I've ever entered a blog giveaway and I won! Yipee! I shan't tell Toby he's got a new pet coming to stay with Colin! (see blog for who Colin is!)

  2. Yay! I did it again! I'm really chuffed - thank you so much. Do you still have my address from the last time? *blush*


  3. Yay!! Thank you!!

    Will email you address now - I;m so excited!

  4. Wilbur has arrived! You can read about his arrival on my blog


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x