
Monday, April 21, 2008

a box of happy

In my (continuing) attempt to complete all the WIPs I have started over the past months I started to sew up a whole heap of Happy Trees....I'd done most of them already and just needed to drag the sewing machine into action and then stuff and hand sew their bottoms on.
So far I have finished quite a few ::
I've also had a crazy silly idea to make them even're going to love it !! (well, I hope you'll love it, else I'm going a bit mad!!!)
I'll take photos in the morning so you can see what I mean :-)


  1. Ooh ooh ooh **hops excitedly from foot to foot** They are just the cutest little things I've ever seen. I want one!!! :0)

  2. Hi Sarah,
    they do look so happy, bless them. My niece would love these and her birthday is coming up soon.....

    Not sure if you got my email but I have put a link on my blog to your page as the felt I bought from you is amazing and just had to share.

    thanks soooooo much!!

  3. That is one box full of happiness lol I'd be smiling for weeks if that arrived on my door step.
    Oow what is the new idea? please tell all.

    Catherine x


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Thanks! Sarah x