
Saturday, March 22, 2008

new things on the horizon

I'm still ploughing through my piles of wip's one way it's nice to have a pile of half finished items to complete because when I do complete them it makes me feel like I have finished loads of things in one day, but on the other hand it seems a shame to have so much sewing time tied up in a box, waiting to be completed....I am going to try my hardest to put a stop to wip's from now on, it will be hard I'm sure, but it needs to be done!

Here's another little picture grid, the full pictures will be on flickr ::
...the eagle eyed amongst you will spy a couple of new designs, they were fun to make, and I'm sure there will be more of them soon :-)


  1. Those elephants are gorgeous! x

  2. I am loving the owl!!!!

  3. Anonymous2:13 pm

    Gotta get me an owl- he's adorable! x


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Thanks! Sarah x