
Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm going AWOL

The last of my cupcake order is due on Monday. I fear I am rather behind schedule so I shall be staying away from the computer and the tempting world of blogs until they are all done.

This pile is all done except for the ribbons ::

and this pile needs the icing sewing on AND the ribbons too ::

They were all ordered by a small chain of clothing shops to be used as decorations in their Easter Windows. The lady who ordered them all said she would send me a picture of them in one of the windows so when I get it I'll show you :-)

Wish me luck, I'll be at work tomorrow so I think I may be sewing into the night......


  1. Anonymous6:17 pm

    good luck on meeting your cupcake deadline! :)

  2. Good luck honey, ready, steady, go!
    Cupcakes sew. lol
    Sorry I went a little mad.
    Have a lovely weekend sweetie, hope to hear from you soon.


    Catherine x

  3. Keep going! They look so good you will be pleased as punch ( and rather knackered) when you are done.

  4. You're on the home straight! Keep going ... you can do it!

    Take care. x

  5. Anonymous8:23 pm

    Wishing you lots of luck. It looks like a very stylish chain of shops so your products should fit in well!

  6. They look good enough to eat that's for sure. Hope you get them all done and dusted and get to have a bit of time to relax.

  7. How fab for you, I bet they will look great, I used to work for Monsoon and they had some gorgeous window designs, we were able to have them once the window was changed so there was always a mad dash to be first on the list!!
    I bet the girls who work in the stores will be doing the same for your cupcakes! claire xx

  8. How fab!!! I can't wait to see pics of them all in windows. Don't make yourself poorly sewing all night!

  9. Anonymous6:30 pm

    I hope the cupcakes are coming along nicely! Good luck getting them all finished - looking forward to seeing them in a shop window! :)


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