
Monday, March 10, 2008

i'm a busy little sewing bee

I've had fun for the past few days working on an order form my website, but Blogger is behaving strangely and won't let me add photos!
I shall pop them on flickr instead :-)


  1. Hiya, ihad a few problems over the weekemd with blogger too, seems ok for me now.
    Thankyou for my order I recieved it on friday!!! I love my green dotty smiley!! The felt is for a egg cosy, wish me luck its my first time at making anything like this...claire xx

  2. I just looked at your flickr pics, as usual everything is lovely.

    Blogger has been a pain in the bum for the last few days - I could only upload pics after many many attempts.
    Hoorah for flickr!


  3. Blogger's just being all round a pain at the moment. To be honest I'm not sure how much longer I'm prepared to put up with it before switching! Though typepad and wordpress have their own issues ...

  4. ahh so it's not just me, I found swearing a lot at the computer helped - well not to upload the pictures but made me feel better Ha.
    Thanks for putting the link up for art and craft world, I paid ¥480 (about 2.40GBP) for a pack of brads they are half the price on that site and they have loads of other cute stuff..

  5. i've had the same problems too, couldn't get on any blogger blogs on sunday and it took 5 attempts to load up images yesterday, in the end i did them one at a time instead of together like i usually do.

    and after all that, then flickr decided to play up too, i think it took another 4 attempts to get the images loaded there!

    i very nearly gave up!

  6. It's the weather you know, ti plays havck with everything.
    Little wind bugs all over the place lol

    Have a good week.


    Catherine x


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