
Saturday, January 05, 2008

holiday switch over

Tomorrow is 12th night so it's goodbye Christmas decorations and heeellloooooo valentines day!! If you look closely you can find the happy heart ....

I've a feeling there will be a few more of these on my to do list this weekend...

PS thanks for all the wishes for sunshine, you can see it worked well this morning!!

PPS for the eagle eyed amongst you I do indeed start work at 10am and yes I was running a little late BUT I had to take advantage if the sunshine whilst I could!!


  1. Happy Heart is very lovely! I also like the scary bird who is about to eat the happy heart (then it will be an unhappy heart)
    Hope you had a fun day at work outfitting the gentlemen of Worthing!

  2. Love the happy heart, it's so, um, happy! Lucy x

  3. It's a very cute heart! And I adore your clock - we're looking for a big clock to live over the door in our kitchen and that's exactly the kind of thing I have in mind.

  4. Anonymous6:47 pm

    I (heart) the Happy Heart! xoxo

  5. I love the happy hearts, does she come in pink dotty felt?
    Maybe my little happy tree needs a friend lol they can hang together.

    Catherine x

  6. Lovely happy heart! x


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Thanks! Sarah x