
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fabric Swatches

I finished my swatches :: The most time consuming bit was trawling the Internet to find out which designer or range they belong to, but now I have it should make re-ordering a lot easier! I don't know why but I have a kind of fear of running out of supplies...I have loads of fabric and felt and buttons and ribbon etc etc but I still actually worry about running out. I think lots of people don't like to cut into new fabric and I think that is part of it, but I am really going to try to use what I have before I buy more of anything.
Hopefully now I have noted down the names and can find the fabric easily I'll feel happier using it all up before I buy more.....perhaps I should do this with my ribbon selection......?


  1. I should be ashamed at the size of my stash - I really should. But I'm not. And what's more I still buy more :-O x

  2. Looks like that would be a very satisfying project! I am that way with fabric. If I'm about to use the last of something, I have to see if I can order more of it first. Is that weird? Lol!

  3. You are so organised!

  4. Wow everything looks so wonderful organized!
    I wish i could have something like that but i buy my fabric at a local remnant family owned store that every week has something different! I cant actually order more of a fabric.

  5. stop it...move away from the swatch NOT attempt to make ribbon swatches.
    Now, go and make a mess somewhere please, there's a good girl.

  6. You have to stop doing this to me! Those fabric swatch cards are gorgeous! I've always loved your felt ones and now you have fabric ones too! I would want to frame them! Lucy x

  7. You are super organised!!! When you've finished organising your supplies can you do mine too!? My husband usually just tidies me away in to a small pile with all of my craft stuff :)


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