
Friday, January 25, 2008

cute and cupcakes

I have received quite a few orders over the past week or so and I have bought sensible things like packaging materials and tissue paper and bondaweb, but I also gave in to temptation and bought something I have had my eye on for a little while ::

His name is Martie and he is from Ireland, you can see his friends here I particularly like Gerald too!! After I'd blogged yesterday I spent the evening chopping up felt and have lots of nice piles of cupcake bits to assemble tonight or tomorrow.

Have a good weekend :-)


  1. Martie is lovely! Pefectly placed little heart too.

    Yummy looking cupcakes as usual ...

  2. Thanks for sending me the felt samples, I love your embellishments they look great, the best/worst thing about Etsy is you end up buying things everytime you sell something its so full of cute stuff!

  3. Awww, Martie is fabulous! I've just been over and had a look round the shop he came from - so many lovely things in it! x

  4. Martie is lovely! Pete says he likes him too and is looking forward to coming to play with the wood on the beach (hopefully without any dead bodies in it...I know me Jessica Fletcher)

    Thank you for giving Pete a new home - he had better behave (or you can tell him to pack his bags!)

  5. Martie is juct the cutest...


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