
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cupcakes and Foil

Cupcakes have been sewn ::

*(please imagine a picture of cupcakes)*

And a gift was received ::

*(please imagine a picture of a pile of foil rolls)*

Lots of thin metal foil that my friend thought I might like so he rescued it from the bin at work (do people actually through things like this away? it's criminal!) I love it but don't know what I will do with it yet!!

* there will be pictures tomorrow, I have a hangover from hell (my fault, I know!) and this morning I was not capable of anything, let alone taking photos! I did manage a very busy day at the shop but now am on the sofa under a blanket waiting for my home-made pizza to cook.
It was a good night out ;-)

**photos added Sunday 27th January....felling normal again, thank you!!


  1. HELLO SARAH - HOW ARE YOU FEELING? ... whoops, didn't mean to shout ;-)

    Hope you're feeling betterer soon. (Oh and I agree it's criminal to chuck out wonderful stuff). x

  2. I take it the beer night was a good one then? (despite you not liking beer)

  3. Anonymous12:51 pm

    what the...? they were going to throw those rolls away?! wow, those are awesome, I'm sure you'll find some creative use for them :)

  4. gorgeous cupcakes!! I just blogged about your lovely felt that I ordered this week - thank you!!!


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