
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

365 days

I like the start of a New Year.

It's the time of year when everything and anything seems entirely possible.

I never really make new year resolutions, resolutions can be made on any day of the year really, but I am going to use today as a marker, a point in time which I will use to measure my achievements.

The achievements I really want to measure are my crafty ones!
I love crafting and want to keep a record of what I do craft-wise every day this year. How great will it be to look back at it and see everything that I will have made?
365 blog entries, a whole load of sewing, a lot of waffle from me and before you know it it will be 2009 !!!


I'm quite excited about it........


  1. At first I thought you were making felt food ... but now I've had a proper look, I think those are bits of tortoise!

    I look forward to seeing all your crafting this year. Take care. x

  2. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Looking forward to hearing about and seeing what you get up to. Happy 2008! xx

  3. I'm looking forward to 2008 too....see you there!!!! :)

  4. happy new year to you too!! xo

  5. what a lovely idea, I'll be reading everyday honey.
    Good luck with it, can't wait to see what goodies you come up with. I'd better keep my cheque book handy lol.

    Happy new year.
    Catherine x

  6. I read most days, so good luck and looking forward to it! I love the cord frog, reminds me of the felt ones we made at school! (that was a long time ago)


  7. Good luck with your blogging every day for a year .... that's some challenge!

    Your christmas pictures were lovely, and I look forward to seeing more of your fab creations.

    Happy New Year



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