
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

incoming and outgoing

I really am doing my bit to keep the postmen busy!!
These little tortoises have been sent to a tortoise mad little girl ::

These are all the freebies wrapped and ready to go (in fact 3 have already gone)It was fun wrapping them and making them look Christmas-yand today the postman delivered a little monkey card and a gorgeous brooch from my friend


  1. ooooh, how fantastic to see the parcel before it actually arrives! My daughter is beside herself with excitement at getting a happy tree!

    :-) x

  2. Anonymous12:11 pm

    I can't believe that one of those beautiful packages is coming our way! Thank you so so much.

    A&S x

  3. Gorgeous monkey goodies there from Nia, and her beautiful brooch just enticed me over to her etsy shop to buy a couple! Excellent marketing!

  4. ps. Really cute tortoises too :)


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x