
Monday, February 26, 2007

week off: day one

My week off work started very strangely with an hour at work !
Unfortunately my assistant manager has been ill and I hadn't seen him for a few days so I needed to go into the shop to 'handover' to him. It took longer than it should, but it's done and I am officially on Holiday!!
It's a holiday from one job to give me more time for my other job: craft!

My lounge is now my craft studio:

Big J came home for lunch and this is his chair, oops ! Doesn't it look nice though?? Piles and piles of felt, waiting to be chopped and sewn.

I have been gearing up for this week for a while now and have great things planned for Thursday (the day I launch all my new goodies) and I have a lot of half done wip's waiting for me to finish them off.
I have set up a temporary table and stool in the middle of the lounge and this afternoon it looked like a factory....everything ready to be picked and packed !!

I'm trying to save everything as a surprise for Thursday but I'm bursting with excitement about these: paper-and-string, make-your-own flower brooch kits.

Enough of that, This is a box I covered with goodies from my stash. I did it in a hurry because I have just received a package of buttons I ordered (a closing down sale bargain, sorry!) and I needed somewhere to put them. This took about an hour and a half (that time includes ooohhh ing and aaahhhing over the buttons!!)

And the inside shot:

There are about 300 buttons in each section, i know it doesn't look like it. How lucky am I ???

And this big cupcake is my new pincushion. You know when you have a huge list of things to do and a very near self-imposed deadline?? what do you do?? well, obviously you need to take a couple of precious hours and use them un-wisely and make yourself a new giant cupcake pincushion!!
See you all tomorrow.......

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