
Thursday, August 03, 2006

ooh a day off work and i have been busy !!!!

I am exhausted ! A day off work is much more tiring than a day at work ! (thursday off, but i work saturdays, so dont be too jealous) although, having said that I would rather have a week day off, it's quieter everywhere so I can get all my little jobs done quickly, then get home for the important stuff!
So, i did banking, post office, laundry, cleaned bathroom, scrubbed kitchen, including the floor with a scrubbing brush (i like the theory that my generation is fatter because we dont clean like in the old days so i can feel all self satisfied with my gleeming floor and my sweaty face!) I also baked, currant buns like my mum makes (thanks for the recipe they are yummy)
:-)........currant buns calorie intake v scrubbing brush and sweat..........hhhmmmm......

So boring stuff done.

Then i sat at the computer for 2 hours adding things to my ebay shop. I added 50 odd things so please visit.......i was a little boss eyed at the end of my ebay stint so what did i do? that's right I did more stuff on the computer....aaaahhhh...

but then i got to play with paper and lost myself for a while......

I have designed and made a whole selection of wrapping for items I hope
I will sell on ebay. I have made cream linen paper bags/envelopes to hold the items, which will be wrapped with the pretty papers(it took roughly an hour to choose these three from my rather large selection of paper!) then the paper-and-string strip wrapped overthe top. I also did a little business card size flyer to advertise this blog!
All i need now is a sale so I can start wrapping and packing !!

And here are pictures of my quilted patchwork felt box !! How to describe this? It is more floppy than rock hard bur still stands up nicely. I like this and as i mentioned before have started a second one ;-)

I also took photos of my newest fabric. felt for the cupcakes ( can you tell i always buy way too much!) and some denyse schmidt flea market fabric. I have fallen in love with this fabric range and this is the 2nd bit i have got my hands on. I think i need need need to go to america and go fabric shopping, or australia, anywhere otherthan behind the times uk fabric shops !! end of rant!

take care, enjoy your saturday's off and get crafty :-)

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