
Friday, August 25, 2006

catching up.........monday

I sold some more things on ebay, here they all are.....
(in 3 piles as they went to three people)

And here they are all packed and ready for their envelopes.....

catching up......sunday

QUESTION: what do you do on a Sunday when there is laundry,cleaning,phoning etc to catch up on and a lot of sewing to do to fill your ebay shop??
ANSWER: you bundle and tidy all your ribbon until it looks like this!! It took about 2 hours and afterwards I had to have a nice relaxing bath to unwind after all my hard work!! hhahaha

Saturday, August 19, 2006

ribbon swap part two

Today my second package came, which now completes the ribbon swap. The postman came so early I was still in my pyjamas!! oh well!! (sorry all the photos are with flash, and from in my bed because I couldnt wait to open it!)

Look at the lovely wrapping........

....and the lovely notecard......

...even the spool has such a gorgeous pattern on it that i got distracted and looked at that a while, then I thought 'hey there's only one ribbon, bummer'.....of course I was wrong, so wrong....

.....lucky me!!! Look at the gorgeousness I got very favourite is the pink dot one and the orange flower one and the stripey fact, all of them!!

I would like to say a big thank you to my swap partner, check out her blog at she is the best!
ps my first swapper sent me her blog details to put here but they didnt work so i will put them here once i know them, cos she is great too!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006



(i feel like the luckiest shopper ever!)

I went to the book shop on my own and felt like a mad person. I had already found the other book (see previous post) and then i pulled this one out and a "oh-my-god-thats-soooooo-cool" escaped my lips in the really quiet shop!!! THEN as i flicked through the pages i kept giggleing to myself!! Hahaha I am a mad book buyer!!

BUT look below and you will see what I mean........

i will be making one or two as soon as possible and results will be here....keep posted!!

i've been shopping......

Today I visited some charity shops (thrift stores for the overseas readers) and I got some gorgeous bobbly wool which is screaming hair to me....maybe a lion or something ? I also got some vintage trim, which is sooooo cute and the best find was the two piles of buttons. I wasnt so lucky to find the buttons ready colour sorted like this, i chose them from piles and piles of old buttons (boy are there some ugly buttons out there!!) It took about an hour to pick the buttons and the lovely lady who served me thought i was a bit weird for loving old buttons so much!!! ah well, it takes all sorts :-))))

I then went to another shop and bought this amazing two storey cake tin, I really want an enamel one and keep seeing them on ebay but they are always rusty and i dont like the idea of second hand rust in my cake!! weird i know!! but this one is plastic and has now been scrubbed and is gleaming (photo was pre wash!)

Then I went to a second hand book shop and bought two BRILLIANT books.The first is this one, i've taken two snap shots of the inside and would you look at the cuteness!!!!
little been bag bunniesand gorgeous felt-ness :-)

am not good at the moving of photos in blog so i will do another post to show the second book. YOU HAVE TO SEE IT !!!!

i'm a ribbon swappin' !!

Well, I have officially taken part in my very first swap! The pictures above are of the packages I sent out to my two swap partners, can't show what is inside until I know they have received them!! I posted them two days ago so hopefully they will get there soon, one is from uk to usa and the other from uk to new zealand
And this morning I received the first of my two packages, all the way from Texas, and the lovely Tara sent way more than she should have! I love it all, especially the dotty ones!

Friday, August 11, 2006

proper thrifting !!

Look what I have got !!

My fantastic friend was walking through town and down a side alley he saw a pile of rubbish WITH THIS SEWING MACHINE IN IT !!!!

So he thought, I know someone who will love that, and carried it for ages AND it weighs loads!! What a lucky girl I am. BIG thank you great mate :-)

The machine is a singer from 1938 and after some polishing and tender care will be my new favourite machine...

This is the little compartment at the side.....what could be in it ???

oooh definately something in there !!

oh my goodness, loads of things.....

lots of different feet, a screwdriver, spare needles, old cotton and some vintage curtain tape

Yippee i'm sooooo happy

so now i've shared these with you i'm off to polish and hopefully sew, fingers crossed...

a baker's dozen

finally, here are a baker's dozen of my homemade felt cupcakes. They are now all in my ebay shop if you are feeling peckish ...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

ooh a day off work and i have been busy !!!!

I am exhausted ! A day off work is much more tiring than a day at work ! (thursday off, but i work saturdays, so dont be too jealous) although, having said that I would rather have a week day off, it's quieter everywhere so I can get all my little jobs done quickly, then get home for the important stuff!
So, i did banking, post office, laundry, cleaned bathroom, scrubbed kitchen, including the floor with a scrubbing brush (i like the theory that my generation is fatter because we dont clean like in the old days so i can feel all self satisfied with my gleeming floor and my sweaty face!) I also baked, currant buns like my mum makes (thanks for the recipe they are yummy)
:-)........currant buns calorie intake v scrubbing brush and sweat..........hhhmmmm......

So boring stuff done.

Then i sat at the computer for 2 hours adding things to my ebay shop. I added 50 odd things so please visit.......i was a little boss eyed at the end of my ebay stint so what did i do? that's right I did more stuff on the computer....aaaahhhh...

but then i got to play with paper and lost myself for a while......

I have designed and made a whole selection of wrapping for items I hope
I will sell on ebay. I have made cream linen paper bags/envelopes to hold the items, which will be wrapped with the pretty papers(it took roughly an hour to choose these three from my rather large selection of paper!) then the paper-and-string strip wrapped overthe top. I also did a little business card size flyer to advertise this blog!
All i need now is a sale so I can start wrapping and packing !!

And here are pictures of my quilted patchwork felt box !! How to describe this? It is more floppy than rock hard bur still stands up nicely. I like this and as i mentioned before have started a second one ;-)

I also took photos of my newest fabric. felt for the cupcakes ( can you tell i always buy way too much!) and some denyse schmidt flea market fabric. I have fallen in love with this fabric range and this is the 2nd bit i have got my hands on. I think i need need need to go to america and go fabric shopping, or australia, anywhere otherthan behind the times uk fabric shops !! end of rant!

take care, enjoy your saturday's off and get crafty :-)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

time to bake

Hi, thought I would quickly share a pic of some cupcakes in the making

i will post again when they are done :-)