
Thursday, January 28, 2016

new felt designs

we've added five new designs to our range of printed acrylic felt that comes by the metre
it's 45cm wide and comes in units of half a metre in length (if you order more than one it will come in a big, uncut piece) each half unit is just £1.50
all eight designs can be seen here:

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fab[ric] Felt :: designed by you

 I'm super happy that you all seem to love the new Fab[ric] Felt as much as we do :-)
 I'm especially loving seeing which fabric & felt combos you are choosing

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Fab [ric] Felt

I am beyond excited to share our newest product with you
This isn't a run-of-the-mill bought from a supplier product...this is something special.
It's made by us, here in the barn, with an exciting bit of new machinery that we have invested in.
 So what is it?
It's felt (our gorgeous 40% wool felt) with a layer of fabric fused to the top of it.
and we've named it
Fab[ric] Felt
 Fab[ric]Felt can be used just like felt - when it's cut it won't fray, it can be sewn by hand or by machine, you can use your normal felt cutting scissors or any die cutting machine that cuts felt - the only difference is the exciting infusion of pattern and colour you can now add to your crafts
and the very, very best bit?  You can buy designs we have put together OR design your very can simply pick a fabric from our huge range of fabrics along with one of our 60 felt colours and we will make it for you - that's good right?
I've been combining felt & fabric in my handmade makes for 8 years and I am super-happy that now you can too :-)
You can see it on the website here :

Friday, January 15, 2016

kit work

New kits are on their way - I'm at the least crafty stage - writing, rewriting, typing up and editing (again and again) until they are just right - I always start by writing them out long hand (messy, scribbly only-readable-by-me hand!) then they get typed up into the computer, all the instruction drawings get scanned in and then it's handed over to my sister (she's my kit graphic designer) and back to me to edit again. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rainbow Corner

Our Post-Christmas schedule always takes a bit of getting used to.
 Before the break days were full of all things Orders...printing them, writing the address labels, doing the loyalty cards, making them, picking them, packing them and posting them ... everything else got done in the evenings: ordering stock , Facebook, Blog, paperwork...generally treading water and only doing what HAD to be done, trust me, lots gets put off 'till later when it's busy, busy, busy!
Now we're all caught up from the sale it's time to adjust to the new schedule - which means we can fill the shelves (before the stock is needed!) and actually having time to plan and, most importantly, sew.
 Today Rainbow corner got filled up (by John, I helped for about 15 minutes)  and doesn't it look BRILLIANT :-)

Monday, January 11, 2016

a busy weekend

phew-ee THAT was a popular sale!
If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you'll have already seen this photo - but NINE whole sacks of parcels is a record for us so I'm unashamedly plastering the photo every where ;-)
It took a whole weekend of parcel packing to clear the backlog and I'm pleased to say normal service has resumed.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Valentines Additions

I've curated a Valentines Inspired Category on the website - there's a lot of pink & red and a lot of hearts ... and (hopefully) a whole load of inspiration for you :-)
Click HERE to go straight there

Monday, January 04, 2016

*nearly* back to work ;-)

We're not officially back to normal work-wise until Wednesday but I've been in the workshop for the past few days pottering around, tidying up and tying up all the loose ends left over from 2015.
Today John and I got a head start on the first batch of our Sale orders  -  these fabric piles are the tip of the iceberg so I think our 50% sale has been a HIT!
The sale runs until the early hours of Sunday morning - I've extended it by a few days because of the wonky website problems yesterday (details of that were on the Facebook page as they unfolded!) so you've still got a few days left to shop :-)