Tuesday, August 21, 2012

freebie extravaganza : part 4

The Freebie Extravaganza is under way.....here's the deal:  every day I will blog about a different new item or range in detail...if you like it and would like to win it, you leave a comment on that blog post...and on Bank Holiday Monday (27th August 2012) I will draw all the winners. 
How exciting is that?
9 days , 9 chances to be a winner....and you can enter all 9 freebies if you like!
Working on projects (like the new felt) and designing new things (like the new kits) and not being able to share them for months and months is torture....but being able to share them all in one week is so fantastic that's it's nearly worth enduring the waiting... I still have so many new things to share that it's hard to pick which ones for each day!
Today I've decided to share Christmas Mini Kits (part 1)
Each Mini Kit comes with everything you need to make one decoration....a cute Happy Christmas Tree...
...or .a roly-poly penguin....
...a yummy Gingerbread Man....
....or the ever popular happy Reindeer.
I added them to my shops over the weekend and quite a few of these cuties are already on their way to new homes...and now 4 more are looking for new homes .... leave a comment to say which kit you would love to win (Christmas Tree, Penguin, Gingerbread Man or Reindeer) and if your name is picked that's the prize you'll receive!
Today's freebie gives the chance to win a Mini Christmas Kit of your choice!
Leave a comment on this post telling me which of the 4 kits you would like to win 
One entry per person
I MUST be able to contact you via your comment
I will post worldwide
Number of Winners to be announced:  4
Quick Links
Mini Kits : Click here

Good Luck !


Leah said...

The Christmas tree, the Christmas tree! :D

leahthezombie at gmail dot com

Kaliandra said...

They're all so cute!!!!! I think I like the Christmas tree best!!!! Thank you once again for sharing your freebies with us!!! My e-mail is:


Louise B said...

I love the reindeer. It's so cute. Thanks for the chance to win.

quiltdude said...

ooh the Christmas tree to add to my growing collection, he's such a happy looking chap x

Anonymous said...

I want to win all these frebiees :)
But the gingerbread kit is my favourite one



Pickle Lily said...

WOW - even more goodness! Would love the reindeer - he has such a cute face. Jo x

Anonymous said...

the gingerbread man is soooo cute! yazzymcc@hotmail.co.uk

Sweetcrafts said...

I'll take the christmas tree too!!!

Gill said...

I love the reindeer!

Os Pitinhos said...

Happy Christmas Tree
So cute


Jessie May said...

I love the Christmas tree! Such a lovely colour combination and he looks very jolly. Thanks again. ellemorescott@tiscali.co.uk

jollyqueen said...

I love them all but I think i'll settle for the christmas tree! Thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

I like the gingerbread man. Very cute.

Unknown said...

I would love to win the Christmas Tree Kit. susan.vaughan4@hotmail.co.uk Sue x

The Bell's Have Moved! said...

I'd love to give a home to the gingerbread man!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win the Christmas tree kit! Thanks for another great freebie chance . . . Linzi xxxx


Jessica said...

My favourite is the cute penguin - he looks like he want's a hug :-)

Anonymous said...

The Christmas tree is very cheery :)

Manu said...

Ohhhh!!! Are so cute!!! So sweet!!!
I would love to win the Christmas Tree!!! Very very nice!!! =^__^=

A big hug!!! and THANKS!!!



Tomas said...

The Penguin is adorable!!
t_poortman at hotmail dot com

Wise Owl said...

For me it's gonna be the gingerbread man! Thanks again Sarah!!!! My e-mail is athinakarg@hotmail.com

Crafty Helen said...

The gingerbread man please - he is adorable. X

Mandy said...

Oh Sarah, these mini kits are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to win the sweet christmas tree, it would look lovely on my tree this year.



Taelia88 said...

I totally LOVE the Christmas Tree!! So, so adorable!!! Thank you for the chance of wining it :)
email: pippotina@yahoo.gr

Gillian said...

Oh I love the Penguin! So sweet. G
iheartcrafts at yahoo dot ie

Mirjam said...

They're so cute! I would love to win the roly-poly penguin.

Anonymous said...

My favourite is the reindeer! But they are all lovely! Staceycatlin at hotmail dot com

susy said...

ciao stupendissimo, a me piacerebbe il pinguino!!!!!!!!!!! ciao

Anonymous said...

The Xmas tree is soooo cute!!! thank you!!

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

Defo the Gingerbread man! Thanks, Estelle xx

ievinch said...

I love the gingerbread man!!

sarah said...

Theyre soooo cute! Love the gingerbread man!


quiltercaroline said...

Oh - another tough choice, I think it would have to be the gingerbreadman. Thanks for sharing all this goodness. C

Zethan said...

SO cute!! I totally want the Christmas tree is I win. You just come up with the best stuff!

Leena said...

Reindeer would be nice. As you know they live in Finland and Santa Clause also and he needs them soon..;)

Hazel said...

I would just love the gingerbread man kit, he would look lovely on my tree :D

Luciana F. Damiano said...

I loved the Christmas tree kit!!!!


Ann said...

You make the choice sooo difficult. they are all really cute! If I were to win I think the penguin is the one for me :)

Anonymous said...

The penguin or the reindeer, the penguin or the reindeer......

I think I will go with the reindeer this time.

Lovely kits as usual.


Katy said...

Oh it would definitely be the penguin for me! He is so cute :)

Anne-Marie said...

i have a little grandson who's middle name is Rudolph...I know, I know, heehee...so the cutie reindeer for me, please!

chrissie said...

Love them all so much but my favourite has to be the Christmas tree... he is so cute! x

Kay said...

You clever lady! These are bound to be so successful. I wonder which will be your most popular seller? My favourite is the christmas tree. Thank you for the giveaway.

sew said...

I think Mr Penguin would like to join the Christmas trees I made last year!

Unknown said...

I love the Christmas tree!

Dawnart said...

Supercute Christmas tree - this is my favourite!!!

Pintinhas Amarelas said...

My favourite is the penguin... but they are all lovely!!!


Pintinhas Amarelas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I loved the Christmas tree kit!!!!

cher8 said...

oooh sooo cute!!!! I'd love the reindeer please
cheryl anne davies at hotmail. com

* Marinda * said...

I think the Christmas Tree is soooo adorable. Love them all, but the tree the most!

Greetings from a warm and hot Holland. Cant'imagine that's Christmas and cold in a few months ;)

knutselmar @ zeelandnet . nl

Anonymous said...

I'd love the gingerbread man - it's so cute!


Sally said...

I can't believe we're thinking of Christmas already - but it has to be the penguin - everytime (though the others wouldn't be sniffed at either).


Anonymous said...

All beautiful! Have to go for little penguin - reminds me of "chilly willy!" penguin from when i was little!!!


Emma, Sweet Williams said...

I LOVE them all but I think if I HAD to choose it would be the Christmas Tree. Very cute. Emma xxx

Anonymous said...

They are all gorgeous but my favourite is the reindeer.AnnieS amsswsdotsparkesatvirgindotnet

moonstruckcreations said...

I would love to be entered for the penguin please! xx


Anonymous said...

THE penguin i would love.

Barbara said...

All soooo cute but since we have to choice I'd love the little Christmas tree. Thank you! Barbara

Eliana said...

I love the christmas tree. Thanks for the chance!


Anonymous said...

The Christmas Tree Please it is soooooooooooooo CUTE!

Mea :)

yorkshiremix [at] aol [dot] com

CherylG said...

So hard to choose but I think I would pick the gingerbread man - scrum my and cute!
Cheryl dot Gardner at Bt dot com

Michelle said...

Who can resist that penguin?

sarah said...

that penguin is my favorite!!! so cute!

Imogen said...

It would have to be the reindeer! Too cute!




Juguetes de Fieltro said...

These beautiful items are perfect for my christmas tree!!! :)


Michele T said...

I have fallen in love with Roly Poly Penguin - so so so sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute happy christmas tree would be my choice #wink

Elvira ega

Amanda said...

Oh! I would love to win the Christmas Tree!! Makes me want to start singing, "O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!"

Karen said...

I think the penguin is adorable, so that has to be my choice. Thanks. :)

Christine said...

The Christmas Tree is the best:)

kristina . babicsova @ gmail . com

marta said...

I'm not sure....the penguin or the Xmas Tree? I choose the penguin: I love it! marta

Anna Cleridou said...

Penguin is so cute!!!


Ikasaharman said...

i would like to have the penguin

Fluffybunnyhead said...

They're all really cute. But the Christmas Tree edges it, what an adorable design.


Anonymous said...

They are all sooo sweet! Penguin for me please...

Anonymous said...

If I'm lucky enough to win, please could I have the reindeer ? It's so hard to choose, they're all so lovely !

Lynda x

linda dot tull at vodafone dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the Christmas tree! They are all pretty cute though!

craftymummy said...

I have to choose a favourite? Oh no, which one, which one.....errrmmmm.....the penguin cos both my boys love penguins :)

Giorgia Rossini said...

on the whole Christams kit I love snowman!
between this 4 I love gingerbread :) (I already have your tree garland, so cute!)
ciao dall'Italia
joyblonde at libero. it

Julia said...

Oooh, they are very cute, but I'm going to have to say I like the gingerbread man best. You have been very busy Sarah, I'm sure it is great to be able to share all your news now! xx

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe you're doing all of these fab give-aways, thanks so much! I'd like the Penguin please

Ciacchina said...

Questi kit sono meravigliosi! Mi piace soprattutto il "christmas tree". Grazie per l'opportunità.

Revathi said...

Ooooh I just love them all!!!
But I think I like the Roly-poly penguin best!!!! Thank you once again for the chance to win your freebies!!!
Take care & best wishes,

Janis said...

Lovely lovely lovely

Unknown said...

Ohh definitely the christmas tree - its really cute :-)

Ale said...

All the kits are so cute. But I prefer the ginger!!!

Sofia said...

kits are all beautiful .. but my favorite is christmans tree
thanks for the chance
hugs sofia

Anonymous said...

i love the gingerbread man. it's lovely.


Stevie said...

They are all darling, but I would choose the Gingerbread Man. Thank you for the chance!

ClaireP said...

I just love your mini kits! They are going to make great stocking fillers!

The Reindeer is my fave!

claire [at] paynedesign.co.uk

Roberta said...

The Christmas tree it's too cute!

Anonymous said...

I would just love the gingerbread man!



Anonymous said...

They are all wonderful, but I especially love the roly poly penguin being somewhat roly poly myself!! Thanks Julie

Rustyhammer said...

Rudolph the red-nosed raindeer, had a very felty nose....

Teasel said...


Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

F E L T ! ! !

xoaniña said...

I think is the best!!!

Love all.


Jacqui said...

The Penguin, its so cute!

minamisensei said...

such a cute christmas tree...wish ui could get it:)


My life with MND said...

The Christmas Tree is my favourite. x

Betta said...

Gingerbread Man

Anonymous said...

Reindeer, please - pretty please!

Jenny said...

The penguin is soooo cute! x

amanda21xo said...

I have a small person who would love to hang mr christmas tree on her christmas tree! :)

Florencia Luciano said...

The christmas tree is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

The Christmas Tree is so beautiful . Me want it !


Anonymous said...

The gingerbread man is so cute and yummy!!! I love it!!!

Mary Poutou

Shelley said...

For me it would have to be the cute roly-poly penguin. My litle man just adores penguins and it could hang on his tree in his room at Christmas time :)

teacakemake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
teacakemake said...

The penguin is the cutest in my opinion! I think it would make a perfect present for my boyfriend's niece as she always wants to join in when I craft!

teacakeandmake (at) gmail (dot) com

Света Архипова said...

Мой выбор-пингвин
Спасибо за шанс!

MummyCat said...

Well it has to be the gingerbread man for me as it evokes so many smells and memories. These are so sweet.

Pink Stitches said...

Adore the gingerbread man but Christmas tree is too cute!!!

Almudena Antelo said...

My favourite one is the Gingerbread Man!! :D

Ann said...

Penguin, please.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

The gingerbread man is my favourite! He's so cute :-)

Julia Sh said...

My daughter likes penguins :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Aan Andes said...

The christmas tree! U r so generous! Thanks so much!


Lou said...

oh Christmas Tree - he is the best!!

Bunneez said...

loving the gingerbread man but the crimbo tree is super too :)


Pene said...

They are all so cute but I Looooove the Penguin

Anonymous said...

Gingerbread man :)



Jannie said...

This one isn't difficult :) the Gingerbread man, isn't he the cutiest??


Anonymous said...

Hello Sarah, I really like the penguin

Ilse said...

ginger bread man, so cute! Love your freebie!

Mandy said...

Definitely the Christmas tree, but they are all divine!
Mandy (jazzygoblin@hotmail.com)