Wednesday, August 24, 2011


On Monday about 5.30pm my Mum & Dad called me from my sister's house (they were 2 days into a week long stay) to tell me my Nan was in hospital and we needed to go to her. She'd had a fall and her brother had found her and called an ambulance.
My parents and my Nan all live in Plymouth, just round the corner from each other, but my sister lives near Kingston and I live in Worthing .. so we were all about 200 miles away!

We all chucked things in bags and I quickly shut my shops as best as I could and left a message on here. Luckily John drove me, I'm so glad he could come with me.

We arrived at the Hospital about 11.30pm and Nan was in isolation in ICU. She was very poorly indeed but they had stabilised her and were planning more treatment throughout the night. We spent time with her and I am sure she knew we were all there. We all went to Mum & Dad's house and fell into bed , none of us slept much and on Tuesday morning (only yesterday) we were all in the kitchen thinking about breakfast and cups of tea and coffee when the phone rang at 7.30am

I think my stomach touched the floor.

We got to the hospital in super-quick time and Nanny looked more peaceful than she had the night before. The doctors and nurses told us that Nanny was deteriorating rapidly. They were reacting with medicine and trying so hard for her but she was shutting down, every time they got her stable again she just got worse and worse...we all stayed round her bed and talked to her for hours and we told her why we loved her so much and then they came and said that they didn't think we should give her the medicine anymore and let her pass away quietly, not to prolong it for her. I am in shock really....writing it all here has cleared my head a bit (and made me cry a lot more)I'm glad she is with my Grandad again because they belong together but I am so so sad that we have lost her.

Thank you for your messages from the last post...I feel propped up by them, if that makes sense...I need to keep busy and I will be in my workshop but I have decided to keep my shops closed for a few days...thank you for those that ordered over the past day or so, it's so good to have something to focus on


Gillian said...

I am so sorry to hear this - my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. G

picciolo said...

You have made me cry again too sisterini, I love the photo you have put up, she looks so happy.
Love you nan.

Unknown said...

Sarah, I am so sorry - Nana's are the best - I still miss mine xxxxxx
L xx

Jeanine The Crafting Fiend said...

so sorry to hear. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my grandpa's passing. He was diagnosed with cancer at the end of July 2010 (had been not feeling good since June 2010). It's hard and it totally sucks. God bless!

sassypackrat said...

I'm so sorry for your loss!

Unknown said...

My thoughts are with you at such a sad time. I lost both my nans within 6 weeks of each other ( i never knew my grandads as they had passed before I was born) Take care x Sue x

dottycookie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, what a terrible shock for you all. I'm glad you could all get to see her though. Thinking of you and your family - take care of each other.

Helenismos said...

My heart goes to you... the loss of a loved one is very hard, I wish you and your loved ones all the best.

Jessica said...

So sorry for you and your family - you must all be shocked to have lost an obviously well loved grandparent. Much love,


Pickle Lily said...

Very sorry to hear about your loss - a lovely photo to remember a much loved lady.
Jo x

Jenny said...

So very sorry to hear your news, such a sad time for you all. Take some comfort that you were able to be with her at the end, sure she would have appreciated all her family around her. Take care of yourself xx

bears footprints said...

oh you poor thing, what a terrible time you have had. Reading your post brought back memories of when my nana passed. My thoughts are still with you and i agree you are very brave writing this post so soon x x take care x helen x

Manuela Pinkfrilly said...

I'm very sorry for the loss of a person so important in your life.

Pretty Petal Handmade said...

Im so sorry for your loss but Im sure you're grateful you were able to spend her last moments with her.

God bless lovely lady.

Rhi x x

Anne-Marie said...

So sad for your loss, poor old Dad died very suddenly, 12 months ago, and it hit us all so hard....please just focus on your lovely memories of your beloved Nan...easier said than done, I know, but it does help....prayers and thoughts for you and your family.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

So sorry to hear of your loss, life has a funny way of sending a curved ball when things are going so well for you. Thinking of you & your family.

Anna said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Pomona said...

I am so very sad for you - will be thinking of you while you come to terms with the shock of your loss.

Pomona x

Manu said...

Hello Sarah, I'm very sorry for your grandmother .. I can understand how you feel .. I lost my grandmother on July 31 .. and I lost my dad 18 years ago ..
Stay in the hearts of those who leave behind us, is not to die ..
Now she is well and along with your grandfather .. and has gone quiet, with you all around her .. full of love ..
Is the circle of life .. and we can not ever get used to ..

I hope I have written in an understandable way .. I always use the translator online

I am sending you a big hug .. I love you


Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, dear one.

Anonymous said...

a big big hug.
She is not disappear. She simply change place and look after you and your family from there. And you'll find the best of her in your hearth and your memories.
She was lucky to have such a great family.

C said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My gran passed last year but she was an ocean away and I couldn't be by her side. At least you were. Little comfort, I know, but it's something. Take care.

Fay aka Beautifullily said...

I am so so sorry to hear your sad news and for the loss of your treasured Nanny. I had a similiar call about my own Nanna this week (who lives in Torquay). Thankfully for now she is stable and we are treating each day as it comes. Your news makes me realise how fragile life can be.

Jessie May said...

Thinking of you and your family and sending you love. Talk lots about your Nanny and remember all those happy and precious memories. I really believe those we love stay close to us (and even protect us) and your Nan will always love you. She's at peace and with your Grandad and she'll have lots of wonderful things to tell him. Don't put pressure on yourself to feel strong, take your time and grieve, it's important. God bless x

Emma, Sweet Williams said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your much loved grandmother. I think keeping busy and speaking of your loss so soon will help you heal - although the loss of anyone close will never heal completely as we will forever miss them. Thinking of you x

Silvia R. M. Pimentel said...

It´s a sad situation and I understand because my grandmother was in the hospital, too. She´s 101 years old and now she´s at home, in bed but she just sleeps because she had a stroke and she doens´t move her right side of the body. All we need is to believe that God has his reasons to this. Only He can give us strengh and comfort . Silvia

Unknown said...

Sending huge hugs xxx

Jayne Schofield said...

So sorry about your Nan x Big hugs x

Melma said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My best wishes to you and your family...

Deanne said...

I am so sorry for yours and your family loss.
After very recently losing one of my bestest friends and spending time in ICU, I can picture your story as you wrote it
Thinking of you, hugs, deanne x

Anonymous said...

Your openess made me cry- brings memories back, but in such a loving way - Thinking of you all sweetie - Nanny's are the best, she just wanted to wait for you all to be with her to see her off on her journey to your Grandad. My Nanny did the same.....
sending much love, hugs and treasured memories

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss... I can remember all too well how I felt when I lost my Nana... someone who had been there all my life.... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Nan... Losh x

jojoebi-designs said...

so sorry to hear your hear your news, at least she could pass peacefully. 3 of my grandparents have passed away when I have been the other side of the world and not being able to say that last goodbye is so hard, thankfully you had the chance to do that.
Big Hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your terrible news, it will take you a while to get over the shock of this. Look after yourself

Janis xx

Bonnita said...

I am sorry for your loss. Take good care of all yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I´m so sorry. I hope God gives you and your family the strength and faith that you need right now.

Lots of hugs,


euphoria said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. May you gain the needed peace and acceptance this coming few days.

Glenys said...

I'm sure she's in a better place. Sorry for your loss. I don't really know what to say but I wanted to leave you a comment. So.

greyparrot said...

oh Sarah, I am so very sorry :( My Nan is in hospital at the moment too ( a month now) and I only hope that if it is her time to go, that it happens peacefully like with yours :( It's so hard isn't it. Nan's are such special people. My thoughts are with you all xxxx

jennyflowerblue said...

That is sad news, I'm sorry fo you and your family. xx

sewmbie said...

All the best to you and your family in these difficult times.

Anonymous said...

dear sarah,
i will pray for you all.
love from katja

Scented Sweetpeas said...

ohh sweet heart you must feel really lost right now :-( She looks like such a lovely lady and it must be really hard that she has had to leave you. Try and keep all those happy memories in your head when you are feeling low, she would not have wanted to you be sad for her I am sure. Take care. xxxx

Gigitte77 said...

Toutes mes condoléances pour votre grand mère.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss... Wish you and your family strength and take care of each other. xx Melanie

Julia said...

I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Sarah. Nanny's are the best and although I lost mine nearly 17 years ago, I still have all the memories I had with her. Keep talking about her as it does help and cry as much as you need to. xx

Jane said...

Sarah So sorry to hear your sad news, try and remember all the good tmes you had with your Nan. xx

Jak said...

Such sad news, but at least she went with her loving family around her. Take care.
Jak x

Pottering Pixie said...

So sorry to hear of your sad news, thinking of you all.

From Sue with hugs x

marta -verona -italy said...

sorry for your nanny
I've lost mines when I was younger, 20 years ago, but I always miss them. bye marta

monda-loves said...

So sorry to read your sad news. Hugs xx

CatNCart Craft said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you - hope you gain some support from all these lovely comments

trash said...

Oh Sarah. Such a heartbreaking shock. I am glad you were able to be with her.

Eli said...

I'm very sorry for your loss.
All the best to you and your family.

Mandy said...

Dear Sarah
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your story made me cry, bringing back memories of my own. Whether it is a sudden loss, or over time through an illness it is never easy! My father was killed in an accident when I was 12, and we had the police at the door at 10:30pm. My grandfather died of cancer when I was 18, and we too had that dreaded early morning phone call. Take time to grieve, don't put pressure on yourself to be strong. The pain never fully goes away, but it does get easier with time. I dread the day when my gran will die. She turned 90 last Friday and she lives with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sending love and hugs, Mandy

Zethan said...

*hugs* Thinking about the positve makes it better ^.^ When my grandpa passed he had been stuck in a hopital for years with Alzheimer and it got so hard to see him at the end he was nothing but a shell. I'm glad you didn't have to go through a prolonged event.I can't wait to see what you make next to sell in your shop!

Blooming Felt said...

Oh Sarah - I'm so sorry. I miss all of my grandparents desperately. Remember the happy times xxx

Sheila said...

So sorry, she's at peace now and has no more pain. Thinking of you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Just the gentlest thought to you right now-- Time will heal your pain and happy memories will remain xx

Paula Lemos said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. My grandmother passed away ten years ago and I still miss her very much and think about her every day.

Laura said...

So sorry for your loss - I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Indigo Blue said...

I am very sorry to hear of your loss and my best wishes go to you and your family. I am glad that you arrived at the hospital with time to spend with your Nan. I lost mine 4 years ago this month and I was in Fowey at the time and my parents could not get reception to my mobile. They had to leave a cryptic mesaage and then my poor Mum had to tell me over the phone.
You have included a lovely picture with your post.
I live in Cornwall and drove back here from Seaford a couple of weeks ago so I know what a long trip it is to be anxious so well done to John for getting you there safely to see your Nan.

Jennifer said...

Sending you heartfelt sympathy and prayers for you and all your family. It sounds like your grandmother has had a very special place in your life as I am sure you had in hers. Take care, Jennifer

Gaby said...

I'M so sorry to hear the news but your Nanny will live always in your keep all the great memories I'm sure you had with her.
I'm sure there's a new star in the sky

Bonnita said...

It's never easy. I'm sorry for your loss. My Gran live until she was almost 101! She was a hoot in her own very quiet way.
As I was sitting with her one night, the night before she passed, she asked me who were the 2 people standing at the end of her bed crying. She was at home and we were caring for her there. I thought about it for a moment, and then I realized it was my Grandfather and my Aunt. I couldn't see them, but she could. Both had passed away when I was very young. So I told her so, and that seemed to satisfy her. She passed away the next morning.
I'm sorry, I rambled.
Peace be with your family.

Anonymous said...

You have our deepest sympathy Sarah,love Martin & family

Anonymous said...

So sorry all the amazing grandparents out there, those that are with us and those that are watching over us. Much Love, Elizabeth xxxx

Jannie said...

I am sooooooooo sorry for you loss!!! I know how important grandparents are, lots my grandmother 4 years ago!

A big hug from the Netherlands
Jannie XX

onna handmade said...

Oh my- I am praying for both you and your family. I am glad that your beautiful work keeps your mind on other things...

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Sarah. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. And may I say... your Nanny's face is so sweet. Her face looks just like all those Grandmas you see on tv and the movies- with a face filled with love for their grandchildren.

Sarah said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I am so pleased you were able to see her at the end. So often it is said that they wait to "see" everyone before passing. My thoughts are with you xxx

Isabnu said...

So sorry for your loss...

Caracol Azul said...

So sorry to here about the loss of ur loved one :(

Rustyhammer said...

So sorry. It was good that you were there for her, letting her know how much she was loved. Hugs to all. So sad.

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

My heart goes out to you and yours.

LaMois said...

Te sigo habitualmente y nunca comento pero en esta ocasion me gustaria decirte que lamento mucho tu pérdida. Estoy convencida de que ella sabe cuanto la quereis. Animo y un besito muy fuerte.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss Sarah..may she rest in peace and may u find comfort in knowing in angel is watching from up above...god bless you

Sheila said...
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My life with MND said...

Hi, I am just catching up on blogs and am super sorry to hear your sad news. Keeping you in my thoughts at this difficult time. Hugs xx

Cassy said...

So sorry to hear this.

Cassy from Play Electric Guitar

Lisa said...

I'm sorry for your lost, keep her memories in your heart and she'll be alive forever. Hugs

Revathi said...

Sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you & your family. Take care.