Tuesday, June 01, 2010

cheerful cupcakes

yesterday I cut out a pile of tote bag pieces ::
and made the giant cupcakes which will be sewn onto the bags ::

and then I made some original felt-y cupcakes ::

all in all, there's a lot of cupcake goodness around these parts!


nocton4 said...

yummy x

Anonymous said...

Truly scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

Scrummy! Everything's better with a cupcake!

Emma said...

Good enough to eat!

My life with MND said...

I think the great thing about cupcakes is, no matter what - they always make you smile. Felt ones, real ones, knitted ones - a cupcake is a cupcake and it makes you think 'mmmm'. lol.

Well that is my opinion, anyway! xx