
Monday, March 30, 2009


Isn't it lovely to have sunshine until later in the evening?
I LOVE it when the clocks change :-)

*letters cut out in the evening sunshine*

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday update

I've been busy making lots and lots of felt goodies over the past couple of weeks, and don't seem to have shared many here, so after spending the day adding them & the new buttons to my website I thought I'd produce a very picture heavy can never have too many pictures, right??
felt covered notebooks
cupcake mini softies
large felt flowers
medium sized flowers
...and a close up of Mr. Monkey because I think he's handsome!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am back from my trip to Devon...I had a lovely time, Nan's birthday was fun .. and Mum, Dad and I spent some lovely time together ... lots of yummy food and great all was brilliant :-)
But this morning the PostMan came with a button delivery so I can't stop and chat, I'm busy counting buttons into bags :-)
I have a HUGE shop update planned for tomorrow so I'm sure the blog will be full of pics of handmade goodness tomorrow :-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

pouch tutorial

I'm not really sitting here browsing through my blog lists, really I am packing and nearly ready to go!
BUT look what I saw this morning ::

My felt purse/pouch tutorial on Craft Gossip (thanks Anne!)AND ::
...the Craft Zine Blog...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

a few days away

I've booked a few days off work and am going to stay with my parents for a mini holiday...whilst I'm there my Nan will be turning 80 so we will be celebrating and generally having a relaxing few days.

I'm driving down to Devon tomorrow and will be back on Thursday...I shall be taking parcels with me and they will still be posted, just from a different county!

Mum's already told me she is cooking roast chicken AND chocolate cake, I've packed a small-ish sewing basket...if we manage a few beach walks I'll be in heaven :-)
See you when I get back....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

500 posts :: craft day

Yay! It's my 500 blog posts craft day celebration!
I've been busy making patterns and samples and here's what you could make (if you'd like to join in!)
2-layer handstitched cupcake purses!
Complete with an easy sew-in zip that the most terrified zip-sewer can conquer!
This post has A LOT of photos to guide you through the process, I hope they make the instructions easy to understand ::
To print the pattern simply right click the picture, save to your computer and print. It fits onto one piece of A4 paper.

Cut out :: 2 purse pieces & 1 of each cupcake piece. You'll also need to pick some co-ordinating ribbon, a button and a 4" zip.

On one of the purse pieces stitch the ribbon into position.
Stitch the ribbon to your cupcake piece.
Make sure the ends of the ribbon are tucked underneath and then they can't fray.
Pin you cupcake into position and stitch at right angles to the edge.
Pin your cupcake icing into position and again, stitch at right angles to the edge.
Sew your button on using a two strands of thread (it's stronger)
Once your purse is decorated it's time to conquer the zipper!
pin the zip to the decorated layer of your purse.

Carefully lay the two pieces on top of each other insuring the edges are lined up. Pin the two layers together.
Once your purse is all pinned together you need to adjust the pins that are holding your zip in position so they are also pinned through both layers. It's worth taking your time over this, making sure everything is nicely lined up and securly pinned.
the back should look like this.
before starting to sew the zip gently slide the slider back and forth to make sure it slides smoothly.
Start to stitch the zip in using a neat straight stitch.
before passing the needle all the way through turn the purse over to make sure that your underside stitches are the same distance away from the zip. Being patient and taking your time at this step will make or break your purse!

Once you have finished stitching the front looks like this.

and the back like this.
Now you have mastered zips! Hurrah!

The next step is to fold your purse over and pin all 4 layers together.
Felt is very forgiving and you will be able to manipulate the edges so they are lined up very neatly.
These next photos explain my way of blanket stitching...if you can already blanket stitch you can skip this bit :-)

Pass your needle through the back 2 layers of the purse

push your needle through from the back as close to your thread as possible.

pull the thread through but leave a little loop.

pass your needle through the loop (from front to back) and pull it firmly.
You've just done your first blanket stitch.

repeat the steps...needle through from the back to the front...
...leave a loop, needle through the loop from front to back, pull firmly, next stitch.
the secret to neat blanket stitches (according to little old me) is to keep the horizontal stitch the same length as the vertical stitch. The more you practise judging it by eye the easier it will's also easier if you do a larger blanket stitch (about 5mm)
keep stitching round the curves
and tra-la! you've made your very own cupcake purse....
...complete with zip !!
The decorations you can use on this purse are un-limited, I made a pink & a blue one and will be making lots more, in all sorts of colours and with all sorts of decorations. I have set up a flick:r group and would love it if you'd all add your purses to it too :-)
Have fun sewing & let me know if the instructions don't make sense!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

cakes and an idea

I've nearly blogged for 500 posts!
IF I plan it right the 500th would be next Wednesday (day off the day job day) so I thought....what better way to celebrate than to host a blog-based craft party?
I'll provide the pattern, instructions and there might even be some cake!
I figure that this way everybody can join in....everyone gets a freebie...they just make it themselves!!
It will involve felt and zips...and the zips WILL be conquered by all!