Hello there and welcome to freebie day...today I had a nice surprise ::

my Happy Tree Gnome Disguises made it onto Cuteable!
So now they are officially cute - hurrah!
In honour of Cuteable this months freebie will be Happy Trees complete with gnome disguises!
To win, tell me what you would name your tree/gnome and John and I will pick our favourite three as winners. Winners will be picked on Monday....what will you name yours??
I would name him Nelbin, I think he looks like a Nelbin....fun, cute, and very wise ;o) xx
Nohomian.. because small things deserve big names <3
Burl. Or maybe Yul. Can I say two?
Fergus the Fir tree!
Well I have to enter now because you've mentioned Cuteable! I think mine would be a lady gnome and she would be called Constance.
well, I don't know why but he looks like an Arthur to me...wise and friendly
L x
I would name them after my neighbours, Norman and Keith (not a couple btw! lol)
I would hang a mini Norman or Keith in my car - and the real norman and Kieth would be none the wiser!
Norman the gnome ,he is just so feltlicious... jade and david xxxxx
My first thought was Bertram. But then it occured to me that it could be a girl. In which case I would most certainly have to name her Gretl.
Hamish McGnomish for me (pet name = Twig). I have no clue why!
My two and three-quarters year old son would name them
jii-jii Owld for the boy and baa-chan Owld for a girl
jii-jii is the name he gives his Japanese grandad and baa-chan his Japanese granma, I think he just made the other bit up!
I've just discovered your blog and I adore this little tree/gnome. I nominate the name Lars. I don't have good reason, I just thing Lars works somehow.
Gregor comes to mind for some reason. Very cute indeed!
I would call it Ella, because if I had a little happy tree I'd hang it in my car. My car is called Flo, so together they would make Floella! (which is my car's full name, but I only call her that if she's misbehaving)
I think I need a lie down, I've been in work for 19 minutes and so far all I have done is think of a name for the happy tree gnome lookalike!
Grimaldus Peregrim Treegnome esq.
Well I thought it was good!!!!
I'm thinking Conifer would make a nice name - and is good for either a boy or a girl gnome.
I'm thinking Conifer would make a nice name - and is good for either a boy or a girl gnome.
I'd name him Bushy McPrickleson since he looks kinda like a pine tree and well they are prickly.
Oh so cute, I love your creations. If I were to get this little guy I would name him Freddie Jangles.
XOOXO ~ MamaSheg
Since my daughter is quite the little bossy-kins, and she thinks her gnome would be a girl, we would name her Phoebe the Phenom Gnome.
I think Harold. I don't know why but i don't think of gnomes as being girls. They're all boys.
Lots of love, Bex. xxx
i like "mateo jeremiah jumpingstones", oli (5) thinks it's perfect!
Finwinkle Hedwyn Pilwicket III is 190 years old, very wise and could live in the old oak at the bottom of my garden. My dog Toby Tea Cosy would ward cats and birds away from him, he'd be very very happy there!
Gnoman (like Norman, but Gnoman :o) I feel a connection with Gnoman, I'm sure that's what he would like to be named.
I have been racking my brain all weekend, and all that keeps coming into it is either Gordon or Alan. The reasons behind the 2 names are that I watch to much Cbeebies with my 3 year old and one of her favourite programs is 'Gordon the Garden Gnome' and Alan Titchmarsh does his voice.
Me & my little daughter laugh out loud when he says 'Puddlebusters' (wellies!)
Sorry I hope now you don't think I'm mad, I'm just worthy of winning!
I did come up with some other options they were, Blog or Sajo as in the 1st 2 letters of both of your names.
God I really have spent to much time thinking about this!
hmmmm....Mrs Joy after my friend who got married yesterday! (not sure she'd like a tree/gnome named after her! hehe!)
My tree would be called Ukki, which is Finnish for Grandad. Sadly our Ukki, my husband's dad, has just passed away but would like the idea of a tree with his name!
It would have to be Jasper.
Just love all your little characters, you are soooo creative
Norman the gnome ,he is just so feltlicious... jade and david xxxxx
i would name him Vasco
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