
Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Productive Sunday

Today was a good crafting day :-)

I finished off some felt patch pieces...I still need to do the final layer of background but they are nearly done ::

I also did some more knitting ::

It's only 9 stitches across and I randomly changed the order I stitched in to make it have stripes...I was going to sew it up down the long side and make a worm BUT it seems Mr. Monkey has taken a shine to it...

Cute ! (although I still think I'll make a worm!)

I received an email yesterday from a fellow crafter who does what I'm sure we all do and saves pictures of her favourite things. Well she had saved a picture of my monkey and made one for a little boys 1st birthday, but then she saw my copyright statement and felt bad and thought she'd best let me know! Isn't that lovely? Here is her monkey ::

Such a cutie :-)

This week I received a Blog award, once from Picciolo (my sister!) and once from Indigo Blue

The Award rules are:* Post the award on your own blog.(Post who gave it to you)*Indicate its original link and link to that site. (Arte Y Pico from Uruguay)*Give the award to 5 other blogs that you enjoy, find creative and inspire you.

Since I'm quite slow at responding it seems lots of people have already received this award. If you haven't then consider yourselves nominated ;-)

John is working away this week and I am home alone in a lounge full of felt and wool, expect lots of pictures!!


  1. Congratulations on your award Sarah - richly deserved.

    I like Mr Monkey's scarf, but still look forward to seeing your worm! x

  2. Anonymous8:21 pm

    Congrats on the award(s). And that has to be one of the cutest scarves I have ever seen, how very clever of you to make stripes with the stitches, I had never thought of that!

  3. I love the patches!!


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x