
Monday, January 07, 2008


I printed out all your lovely comments and folded them and put them in the pot...John picked out two names and they are ::

:: I love a freebie says the ginger monkey :: AND :: incywincy ::

(just in case a blurry out of focus photo makes it hard for you to read)!!

Please can the lucky two send me your addresses, thanks!!

On another note, one of my WIPs is completed:

Thanks for all your sweet comments, it's been another fun freebie :-)

PS:: Dotty cookie the BIG clock is from Ikea, I've had it for years and years and still love it :-)


  1. Congratulations to the winners and the I LOVE YOU looks great! Lucy x

  2. Anonymous9:40 pm

    I love you too :)
    I'll email you in a to make his high and mighty a cup of tea.

    Whoo I won, I won, I won (I am very happy, can you tell????)

  3. Congratulations to the winners - and thank you for the Ikea tip! I feel another trip coming on ...

  4. Well done those winners - you'll be getting such lovely treats. The felt 'I love you' is lovely. x


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x