
Friday, January 18, 2008

Nearly There

For a while now I have been working on a selection of new designs. One of my large customers wants a range of products especially for them. They have sold my designs before so I knew what kind of things they may like ( I hope ) Some are variations along popular themes, some are brand new designs.
I've shown most of them as I've been sewing them together but now they are all done.

All I need to do now is finalise the packaging using this little lot :: But for now I'm off to finish tinkering* with my website

*for tinkering read :: I started a small job before work this morning which then created a good few hours work for myself!! oops!!


  1. Anonymous6:45 pm

    great site, i love your things that you make. Are you the lady that works in Worthing Craft?! just wondered;)

  2. Hope the tinkering goes okay! Lucy x

  3. I don't know how you manage to get so much done with a proper job and everything else. Do you have some small children locked in a cupboard sewing their little fingers to the bone?

  4. Maybe your large customer should cut down on the cream cakes? ;-)

    You make beautiful things - really lovely. x

  5. Cor, how exciting! Good luck with the new range ...


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Thanks! Sarah x