
Thursday, January 03, 2008

January 2008 FREEBIE

it's freebie time again!
Something a little different this time ::

January's freebie is a little kit I have put together for two readers to make some thank you cards with (or cards for any occasion but thank you seems appropriate for this time of year!) I had great fun in the craft shop this morning picking everything out...the kit includes ::

4 square cards :: 4 square envelopes :: 6 bits of textured card ::

2 bits of patterned paper :: 2 bits of glitter card (the glitter gets EVERYWHERE, don't say I didn't warn you!!) :: a small piece of felt :: a felt cupcake :: a blue felt flower (not made by me!!)10 buttons :: and 3 pretty ribbons ::

Leave a comment on any post between and and Monday and I shall enter your name into the draw....

...and in return if someone could sort out the lack of light down here in 'sunny' Worthing I would be most grateful (and my freebies would look much better!!)


  1. ooo! a freebie how fantastic! Will and try and sort the light problem out for you if I win :)))
    I do love your little cupcakes! (and everything else you make too, but not wanting to be a suck-up)

  2. YAY!a frebbie!! I came here from flickr, I love your stuff!!

  3. whooo, count me in please, lookks a fab set !
    Sarah x

  4. Yay! I love competitions! Count me in :o)

  5. ooh what lovely goodies, sorry can't provide sunshine, we have snow though.....

  6. Don't look at me, there's no sun here in Southern California, either, go figure. But your freebies look lovely, no matter what light they're in.

  7. Your freebie is fabulous - sunny or not - you have a great eye for color and goodie combinations!

  8. I have plenty of sun here, let me pass some to you! :) Your freebie is gorgeous!!

  9. oooh would love to win one of these so please count me in :)
    My middle name is sunshine :)


  10. count me in too please, the set looks lovely!
    we had no light in London at all yesterday if it is any consolation...

  11. I love these cup cakes. Enter me please

  12. Sending you sunny thoughts if not the real thing! Thank you cards are just what're needed round these parts, so count me in too.
    T x

  13. Am I allowed to enter two in a row? *blush* If so, count me in :-D x

  14. I can not believe it 10.30 in the morning and you all ready have lots of comments left. It must be the freebie I feel!! Any way I am going to jump on the band wagon and leave a comment.

  15. Anonymous11:38 am

    What a fantastic freebie - count me in please!

  16. hello sister! Just wanted to say I love your frog! (don't put me in your freebie, people would think I had cheated if I won it!!)
    love you

  17. Ooow freebie time I just love them. And cupcake things to my fav. Please count me in sweetie.


    Catherine x

  18. Mmmmm . . . cupcakes!
    We have lots of sunshine, but very few degrees! It was 11 degrees Farenheit last night! (That's somewhere well below 0 Centigrade!)

  19. Anonymous8:30 pm

    Soz - can't help with the light, it's dark all day here (and the snow has given way to rain - boo hiss) But if we were to move to Australia we might have a bit more sunshine, what d'you reckon? :) usual (hee hee hee), count me in for the freebie!!!

  20. I have just come across your site all the way from Australia and yes we do have a lot of sunshine, from just before 5 am, with 3 little children......, except we have had a lot of rain this week. I would love to win one of your freebies and your work is just wonderful. Thanks Helen

  21. Your giveaways are quite famous...thought I should jump on board and join the gang...Happy New Year

  22. how have i managed to miss this!!!, maybe its time to tidy my desk so i can actually see the computer properly!

  23. I was lucky enough to win your last give away which was fabulous, so please enter me again (just in case - fingers crossed!).
    Cathy X

  24. count me in too please :o)
    Happy New Year BTW


  25. Me too please =D
    I love a freebie and have a lot of Thank you cards to write this year!Sam. x

  26. oh, what a lovely idea! just found you at flickr and came over here. and yes, please count me in, i would be very lucky to win one of these freebies ;)

    nice blog, too!!

    XOXO, nicola from germany

  27. Thanks for offering the giveaway...count me in! (By the way, great blog!)

  28. Ohh competitions.
    Sorry no sunshine to send your way, though I would happily share it.

  29. I love your adorable creations, please count me in on your drawing.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ MamaSheg

  30. Anonymous12:56 pm

    HI! I would love to be included into this freebie giveaway please. I think your creations are the cutest.

  31. I love your felt creations, they're adorable. so simple and Lovely! At our craft club there's a bit of a felt frenzy and I've directed some peeps to you ur site..

  32. The kit looks like so much fun - please count me in too!

  33. Anonymous1:35 am

    Your creations are amazing. I can't wait to see what you produce for Valentine's Day. Love the cupcakes - they're my favourite i have to say.

    Lots of love, Bex. xxx

  34. Anonymous11:50 am

    I may be too late but your kit looks great.

  35. I found you in Flickr, then I went to Etsy, then I came to this blog. Been here looking at your stuff for hours!... I feel like wanting to make those beautiful things too. Really inspiring!

  36. Anonymous8:37 am

    Count me in please!
    I never win in anything but this time i really want to win because I love every thing you put it this box!
    Like getting a gift from santa clous hahaha

    Anyway i love your artwork - so cute and adorable! especially the cupcake - i have now fetish to cupcakes :)))

    have a great day!!

  37. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Oh how cute!! I just found this blog from a link on another blog and I'm sitting in a puddle of my own drool!!! CUTE, CUTE stuff!! :)


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x