
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

happier by design

I seem to be having a little spurt of new ideas, I cut out one and then think of another so I start that and before I know it my working tray is littered with bits of ideas!
I did manage to finish something, what do you think Miss Molly Cupcake?Her twin is also on it's way...You can't beat polka dots!


  1. Awww, lovely happy hearts. Do you mind my asking from where you get your spotty felt? x

  2. She is so happy looking I love her. How much is she, as I think she will have to come and live with me and her new friend happy tree lol ok now I've gone mad, it's being cooped up in doors for a few days with the girls they have colds again.
    Your very good I've got new things on the go all over my desk but no photos just yet.
    Need to get more organised.
    Speak soon hun x
    Catherine x

  3. Anonymous10:15 am

    I just love those cute little faces!!


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