
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Guess What?

But I guess you knew that, right? As recommended by kind comment leavers yesterday I did indeed forsake the tiding and spent the day sewing ::

I've done a few more color combinations of my new letters, which are now in my shop and can be ordered in any letter and colour combination.

Then, just for fun, I made a little hedgehog.


  1. Hi! I'm really again. I was wondering if there is a little bit possible to get this felt if you send me it. I would pay you!! jaja I'm legal, I swear.

    Well, think it and if you are interested to send me it I will be really happy ^^

    And nice to meet you

  2. I like sewing a lot too! I take it there wasn't much tidying going on in P&S Towers today?
    The hedgehog is very very cute, he has a slightly naughty look on his face (which is always a good thing)

  3. Anonymous9:58 am

    Ah, the hedgehog is ADORABLE!!! x

  4. Cute hedgehog, what a happy chap!
    Have a good weekend.
    Catherine x

  5. Anonymous4:37 pm

    Awwww what a little cutie he is!


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Thanks! Sarah x