
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Deliveries and Tortoises

My felt delivery arrived already! I ordered it yesterday morning and it arrived this morning, how's that for great service? Another delivery arrived from the postman, from my friend Katy

This is Pete :: The Naughty Astro Boy :-) I bought him from Katy's shop and look how cool he is ::
I Love his space goggles and super happy face :: Thanks Katy, he's amazing :-)
In between deliveries arriving and me packing and dispatching orders I did manage to get some sewing done :: Tortoise Brooches ::
This one is my favourite ::
I've just put them in my etsy shop and now I'm going to put my feet up and have some ice-cream :-)


  1. Blimey, look at that felt. I'd love to have a little stroke, lol!
    What a delightful astro boy...oh, it's mine, ha ha ha ;)
    He was quick to arrive, blimey! Must have a new posty. I'm really glad you like him :)

    *Love* the tortoises (and that one is my fave too).

  2. Can you hear the wetness from my mouth watering? *blush*

    That spaceboy is wonderful. And those tortoises ... so lovely! Hope you enjoy the ice cream! x

  3. Hmmm ice-cream I could do with some of that for my flaming throat.
    Love the tortoises and spaceboy.
    Katy's so lovely.
    Have a good week.

    Catherine x

  4. I'm loving Pete, what a cheeky little chap....hehe

    Those tortoises are super cute too.


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