I had a few little jobs to do today, which I managed to get done before lunch, including visiting the Post Office, buying some more white card and some Bondaweb (I was on the look out for some fabric too but can you believe that the staff in my local Fabric Shop have never heard of Moda???) oh and phoning through my great big felt order :-)
1,000 felt squares are winging their way here as I type!!
This afternoon I got down to business with the Bondaweb :: 
I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll have some finished items to show rather than piles of cut out pieces!!
Never heard of Moda? :-O Gosh, I'm amazed.
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge fan of Bondaweb - it's a regular purchase of mine. x
Never heard of MODA? Yikes! Shall we import some for you?
ReplyDeleteI'm also loving bondaweb - although you've really got to be careful not to get it on your iron or ironing board - that's bad news.
ReplyDeleteHaving a pile of cut things is so nice - it means you can sew sew sew till your hearts content. How nice!
1000 squares of felt? My mind is officially boggling!
ReplyDeleteThat's LOADS of felt! Where do you keep it all??? :)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seing you mountains of finished things! x
I am not surprised they've never heard of Moda - I asked once for Moda in my local shop, the old lady shook her head, so I tried Michael Miller, shakes again. I gave up after that. Blooming useless!!! :)