
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We are sick.

It's official. Big J and I have flu. I don't like being sick, well, who does! It started slowly on Saturday and I went to work and felt ok-ish and then Sunday I took it easy and felt ok-ish then back to work Monday and today and now I feel awful-ish !

So tomorrow I am going to work for 1 hour and then plan to be on the sofa with a blanket and some cheesy films on the tv! I kinda have to go to work because we normally all start at 10am but tomorrow the gas man is coming to check some gas man stuff (I wasn't really listening!) and as usual the time they will come is between 9am and 1pm !! How unhelpful !! So, I am going to work at 9am and will be leaving at 10am when the others get there. Oh the joys of being a boss, I bet the gas man gets there about 11am........I would scream with rage but I have almost completely lost my voice!! Big J loves it, every time I talk he says 'you should be resting your voice, ssssshhhhhh' aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

So even though I'm ill I think I can still do a bit of sewing in between my napping and coughing....I think I'm going to come up with some Febuary Freebies........

check back soon for details

Thursday, January 25, 2007

ebay shop update

Some gorgeous colours available this week.....different shades of browns and pinks with some gorgeous vintage buttons. I had to force myself to actually use the buttons rather than keep them forever....believe me they are nice ones!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Lurkers wanted....

Hi all.
Today is my day off from the day job. ( for regular readers, yes it is normally Thursday but this week, and this week only, day off day is Friday) and I challenge everyone to use the word day more times than me in one sentence!!
So what did I do with my morning off ??? well, I got delivered a cup of coffee by big J just before he left for work, stayed in bed and drank it and decided i needed a hair cut. So I cut it. My hair is big and very curly and about shoulder it is the same but shorter!! I keep wandering past the mirror to check it hasn't gone wrong but so far so good.....anyone else want a free haircut??? it must be easier to do on other people when you can actually see the back of their head!!

After the haircut I thought i'd check out the blogs on my favourite list. A quick half hour catch up and then on with the you can tell I am still on the computer and it is past noon!!

BUT it's not my fault!! A lot of the great blogs I read were talking about lurkers. I didn't know what they were talking about so I had to read on and and OH NO I am a lurker!! That is: one who reads and visits blogs often but without comment so that blogworld do not know of their existence. So i have come clean and admitted my lurker-ness.

So now I challenge you all out there to come clean. If you are a lurker, make a comment and introduce yourself and your blog ( if you have one ) and then I can have a list in my sidebar of the people who read my blog's blogs!!

I can't wait to meet you.... xxx

Sunday, January 14, 2007

ooohhhh I found a new button on picassa !
My eBay pics are now always going to be done on the much better they are than by camera!! but i have run out of time and the shop update will be tomorrow....but you can see what is going to be there with the above pics. Happy Sunday evening to you all.....i'm off to bathe with a book and a wine........................

A Glimpse of New Things

Ha ha ha ha I tried to be clever and take two photos of my work tray but they don't quite line up !!! These are a few works in progress (they are finished but need tweaking).......more to come in my ebay shop today.

My friend's new etsy shop

Check out my friend's new etsy shop....she makes lovely things and they arrive so quickly and are always packed so's like a surprise extra birthday when something comes from the postman from this crafty lady!!

What lucky Girls Get For Christmas

My wonderful sisterini gave me these see through drawers for Christmas and looky how gorgeous my ribbon looks!! She also gave me some of the ribbon and some funky threads and buttons!! How lucky am I ??

Gorgeous Big J got me a sewing box, which I just love. This is a bad photo of it but you can get the idea, it has a lift up lid with loads of room inside for all sorts of gorgeous things and underneath is a drawer which i put scissors and useful things in. The ugly yellow baskets will be replaced with another couple of quilted fabric boxes when i have the time !

This was also from my Big J and I've never been so excited!! I have wanted this book for years but for some reason it is very hard to find and when it is found, very expensive. I wont ruin the story but I will say that the little girl gets to talk to her guinea pig, I wish I could have talked to my guinea pigs!! it is just wonderful!!

This shiny cupcake is from my niece, inside is a pad of paper and a pink pencil......does any one get the idea that I love cupcakes???

Also from my sister is this lovely make up bag ... how cool are the animals!!!
I am using it for craft instead of makeup because then I get to see it more often everyday!!
At the mo it has things I have made for ebay in it and some more things i will blog about another day!
So all in all I was very lucky at Christmas, don't you agree ??

ooohhhh fancy new look blog

well blogger invited me to change to new beta blog and I did and, even though I have no clue whatsoever, it worked a treat!
I love it that there are clever computer people out there who make these things straight forward for me!
As you can see they have made it super easy to change the colours and fonts etc etc so what did I do? that's right I changed everything that I could get my hands on !!
Hope you like the new look......there may be more to come!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

a belated merry christmas and a happy new year !!

I don't know where the time has gone, Christmas seems like it was ages ago and it's all just gone by in a blur !!
Big J and I had three Christmasses in 4 days and drove miles and miles and miles.....exhausting but good fun !!
The shop where I work is busy busy busy and the staff are keeping me on my toes.....I dont know how people can be so lazy.........ok rant over.

I received lots of goodies for Christmas which I will be showing here sometime Sunday and one of my presents from my sisterini was a ticket to go to a craft show . That was yesterday and I did some good shopping!! Pics on Sunday!!

I have also been busy doing new designs and prototypes for the shop......hopefully I will be updating the shop on Sunday too (I wish Sunday had 50 hours in the day!!)

Before I go here is a quick picture of the monkey I made for my neice for Christmas....Thanks Dad for the pictures :-)

As only a four year old could his name is...

Cocoa Cocoa Coconut !!

Such a cool neice, I may ask her to name everything I make!!