
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Huge shop update in progress

it's another of my favourite collage pictures !!
I've had a few emails recently wondering what has happened to my eBay shop....It has been getting emptier and emptier with no sign of an update.....But it was meant to happen !! Whilst I was sewing my large order together I was sitting and thinking about my eBay shop and, as you do when you have a billion things to do, decided it needed a revamp !!
I have been sewing some new items this week and the pic above is a taster of what's in store (well, they will be soon)
I have just removed the last few items from the shop and there is absolutely nothing in it !!
hahaha (that's a slightly manic laugh)
eBay needs me to wait awhile to do something computery (I'm sure it's incredibly important) and while I'm waiting I'm here blogging!
But as soon as I'm allowed I will be slowly and surely listing everything.
For those of you who know my shop well there are a few changes a foot, with new designs and bulk buys being added.
I just hope you all like it !
Cheerio for now